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Guihaia 18 (2):177—179 1998 5   高文远 李志亮 肖培根 (, , 100094)   。 。, 。 , 、 。。 , 。  ;; Ultrastructural changes in scale cells of F riti llaria thunbergii Miq.associated with cold hardiness Gao Wenyuan Li Zhiliang Xiao Peigen (Ins tit ute of M ed icinal P lan t Develop men t, Ch inese A cademy of Med ica l S ciences and Pek ing Un ion M ed ical Co llege, Beijing 100094) Abstract  Ultrastructural changes in the scale cells of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.associated ith cold hardiness ere studied by means of clectromicroscopy.During cold acclimation, the most striking changes ere a large quantity of lipids appeared in the cells and the structure of the starch grain shellsfrom distinct to indistinct.Vesicular endoplasmic reticulums and some dictyosomes ith indistinct structure could be ob- served as ell.Many paramuralbodies ereformedbet een the cell all and the cell membrane.The nu- cleus, cell all and plasmodesmata ere normal, and the division of mitochondrion could be seen occasion- ally.These changesindicated the metabolic andstructuraladjustment of the cells to acclimate the cold envi- ronment. Key words F ritillaria thunberg ii Miq.;cold hardiness;ultrastructure (Fr itillaria thunbergii Miq.), 。 , , 。, 。, , 。, 。 1997-10-20 :, , 1965 , , 。 178     18    1 材料与方法 3 。, , 1 mm , —, , Epon-812 , LKB, — JEM-100CX 。 2 结果与分析 Ⅰ。 Ⅰ ∶1 。、 , 。, , , (Ⅰ ∶2)。, ( Ⅰ ∶3 )。 Ⅰ ∶3 , , , 。 Ⅰ ∶4 。 (Ⅰ ∶5, 6)。 、 。 Ⅰ ∶6 , , 。, Ⅰ ∶6 、 。 , (Ⅰ ∶7), 。 Ⅰ ∶7 , 。 Ⅰ ∶8 , , 。。 。。 3 讨 论 、


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