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DRIVING RELATED ISSUES 相关驾驶的 问题 Student Legal Service University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Translation by: Shengjie Ye 叶盛杰 Additional Translation and formatting assistance by: Shi Yee Sze Tho 司徒诗仪 License Issues • Your home country license or International License is valid for purposes of Driving in Illinois so long as you are enrolled as a student at the University of Illinois. • 只要您依然还保持伊利诺伊大学学生身份,您的本国驾照 或国际驾照将在伊利诺伊州范围内持续有效。 • Your home country/International license must not have “expired” for it to be valid. • 为保证您的本国驾照或国际驾照在伊利诺伊州有效,您需 要确保该驾照没有过期的情况。 • The Illinois law permitting this can be found by use of google using 625 ILCS5/6-102 and in the “Rules of the Road” booklet on page 3. • 您可以使用谷歌有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 625 ILCS5/6-203或者在“Rules of the Road”手册第3页找到伊州相关法律。 Driving Related Issues License Issues • While driving you must have the home country/international driver’s license in your possession. While you are NOT required to carry your passport while driving many police departments will ask you to produce your passport as a way of being assured that your are a nonresident lawfully in the United States. • 当您驾驶时您必须随身持有您的本国或国际驾照。尽管法 律没有要求您在驾车时随身携带您的护照 ,许多警察会请 您出事您的护照以确保您是合法身处美国的非居民。 Driving Related Issues License Issues • If you are stopped and receive a ticket/citation for not having a valid license please do not panic. • 如果您被警察拦下并收到未持有有效驾照的罚单,请您不要慌张 • Come into Student Legal Service and bring your home country/international license with you to the appointment and we will contact the state to resolve the ticket. • 请您来到Student Legal Service 并携带您的本国或国际驾照参 加我们的预约。我们会与州政府联系以取消您的罚单 • To schedule an fill out an intake form, go to /sls and select “Schedule an Appointment/Online Intake



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