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单片机实验课件制作 摘要 随着知识经济的到来,社会信息化程度越来越高,知识总量剧增,知识更新速度也越来越快,社会对教育提出了新的要求,以课本、粉笔和黑板为主要载体的传统教学已不能满足现在教学的需要。如何能让学生在有限的时间内掌握更多的知识,这是摆在所有教育工作者面前的一大难题。对于高等院校来说,要培养出能适应当今日趋激烈的国际竞争和新技术革命的挑战,具有宽广知识面和自我更新能力的大学生,这一难题就更显突出。现在教育媒体具有更好的记录、传递、存储和再现教育信息的功能,能推动教学现代化的有力工具,而且它的种类是越来越丰富,功能也越来完善,新的教育媒体还在不断的研制,这无疑为解决这一难题带来了更好的条件和手段。 随着单片机在各个领域的广泛应用,特别在工业自动化系统中,不仅是智能仪表的核心部分,而且可以独立承担小型控制系统的控制任务。因此,《单片机原理及应用》是一门实践性很强的课程。本文针对学生掌握单片机课堂理论知识与实践相结合的最佳手段,通过多媒体软件Authorware丰富实验内容,提高学生在单片机应用方面动手能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力。 Authorware软件是一种基于13个图标的创作工具,具有丰富的多媒体处理和集成环境,可以导入多种类型的媒体。 关键词 单片机 ;Authorware ;多媒体 Design of SCM Experiment Courseware Abstract Along with the coming of knowledge economics age ,the degree of social information becoming more and more higher, the total quantity of knowledge increase quickly, and the refresh rate of knowledge becoming more and more faster. In such a case, the society puts forward new requirement with the traditional education that use the textbook, that chalk and the blackboard. That now to teach students to grasp more knowledge in finite time is a difficult problem laid before teaching stuff. It seems more important for the developing society. Modern educational media which has plenty of species and perfect functions can record, transfer, store and reappear educational information, so it is the powerful tool that promotes the modernization of teaching. At the same time, new educational media is developed continuously. That brings better conditions and measures for education undoubtedly. Applied widely in every field, especially in the automation systems, single chip not only is the hard core, but also can take on the control missions of minister control system. So, Theory and Application of Single chip is a course that fits practice. Through the software Authorware, this article use the best mean that theory and the practice are both used at the same time to increase the students’ abilities of practicing and analyzing and solving problems. The software Authorware is a producing tool



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