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摘 要 集中供热系统中的换热站作为供热网络与热用户之间的连接场所,其供热品质对热望工况的改善和供热质量的好坏起到重要作用。针对目前供热实际情况,设计了一款换热站变频调速控制系统,它主要是由PLC控制器.变频器和PID控制器组成。详细介绍了系统的整体设计方案.二次供水设定的温度控制.循环泵和补水泵的控制原理及具体实施。 通过PLC和上位机对供水管道的温度.压力和回水管道的温度.压力进行自动监控,从而通过控制循环泵和补水泵的转速来实现恒压.恒温供热,实现了换热站系统的自动运行与人机交互。换热站控制系统改造具有很好的市场发展空间和投资收益前景。它不仅能够通过自动化控制技术实现安全生产的目的,还能够节使排放更环保PID;PLC;变频调速;二次供水;换热站 ABSTRACT As the connector between heat supplying network and heat consumers in centralized heating system, the heat exchange station plays an important role for improving the quality of heat supply and operating status of the network. Aiming at current and practical situation , a variable frequency speed regulation control system has been designed. The system is composed of PLC , inverter , and PID controller . The integral design strategy of the system, the temperature control for secondary water supply, control principle and implementation of circulating pump and makeup water pump are introduced in detail. The result of operation indicates that the strategy increases the quality of heat supply and offers outstanding effect of energy saving . PLC and PC through the pipes of water supply temperature. pressure and temperature return water pipes. pressure automatic control,So by controlling the circulating pump and fill the pump speed to achieve constant pressure. thermostatic heating, The heat transfer station system to achieve automatic operation and human-computer interaction. Heat exchange station control system has good market prospects for development and investment income. It can not only achieve security through the automation of production control purposes, Section can also use the emission energy is more environmentally friendly. Key words: PID;PLC;Variable frequency speed regulation;Secondary water supply; Heat exchange station 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外供热现状 2 1.2.1 国外供热现状 2 1.2.2 国内供热现状 3 1.3 课题研究的国内外现状 4 1.3.1 国外控制模式 4 1.3.2 国内控制模式 5 2 系统概述 6 2.1 系统的任务 6 2.2 系统的功能 6 2.3 系统的特点 6 2.4 系统的控制原理 7 2.5 PID控制 8 3 系统中软硬


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