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模拟路灯控制系统 摘要? 本系统是围绕城市道路照明需要,针对城市不同的道路环境而设计的一套模拟路灯控制系统。 本系统设置了几种不同环境下路灯的照明情况。一、按照实际需要,根据环境状况(白天或者夜晚),自动对每个路灯进行控制,即:自动检测路灯照明区域内是否有物体出现,从而点亮模拟路灯LED管;二、计时功能自动控制LED灯的明亮状况,同时能够记录该物体在该区域的运动时间。三、根据特殊情况的需要,可以手动控制模拟路灯;四、自动显示功能:可以自动追踪并显示是否有路灯损坏,并声光报警,显示损坏路灯编号。 系统中所采用了光电开关,AT89S52单片机最小系统,LED数码显示管,蜂鸣器等自动检测和显示元器件,实现了题目要求的基本功能和和拓展功能,完成了设计的初衷。 ? 关键词: 光敏电阻 精确 激光对射式光电开关 ABSTRACT This system is around the city road lighting needs, according to different environment and city road design, a set of control system simulation street lamp. This system has set up several different environment of the street lamp lighting conditions. A, according to actual needs, according to environmental conditions (in the day or night), automatic control of every street lamps, namely: automatic detection street lamp lighting area whether object appear, and lit the lamp simulation LED tube; Second, timing function automatic control LED lights in the bright, and to record the object of the exercise time in the region. Three, according to the needs of the special circumstances, can manual control simulation street lamp; Four, automatic display features: can automatic tracking and show whether there is a street light damage, and the acousto-optic alarm, show damage street lamp Numbers. System which used in the photoelectric switches, minimum AT89S52 SCM system, LED digital XianShiGuan, such as a buzzer automatic detection and display components, realize the basic functions and the topic request and the development of function, completed the design of the original intention. Key words: Photoconductive resistance accurate laser DuiShe photoelectric switches 目录 摘要? 0 1. 系统方案设计、比较与论证 3 2系统硬件介绍 3 2.1.1 AT89C52简介 4 2 总体电路设计 7 2.1功能要求 7 2.2根据环境明暗变化,自动开灯和关灯 8 2.3根据交通情况自动调节亮灯状态 9 2.4传感器模块 9 2.5对路灯检测模块的选择 10 2.6 单元控制模块 10 2.7电源选择 11 3电流源驱动 12 4.系统分立模块设计及工作原理 12 4.1灯的自检功能原理 12 4.2光敏电阻的开关 13 5软件设计 13 5.2系统流程图 14 5.3 定时器溢出中断处理函数流程图 15 6系统子程序 16 7系统调试 18 7.1 测试仪器 18 7.2.系统实现的功能 18 7.3测试现象与分析 19 结束语 20 参考文献 21 附录2程序代码


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