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地震学报,vol.31,No.5,564-582,2009 中国中国地震科学史研究地震科学史研究 中国中国地震科学史研究地震科学史研究 冯 锐 (中国 北京 100081 中国地震局地球物理研究所) 摘要摘要::中国的地震科学研究约有 4000 年历史,分为先秦时期的原始认识、秦汉时代的自然崇拜、随 摘摘要要:: 后的感性认识,从清朝康熙至今的科学探索共4 个阶段。中国对世界地震科学的发展做出了4 大贡献: 张衡发明地动仪;延续 4000 年的历史地震记载;丰富的震前异常资料;海城等地震的成功预报。中 国的现代地震科学进展很大,但与经典自然学科相比仍然处于幼年阶段,减灾对策尚不成熟。唯上从 众的潜意识,唯象性的研究习惯,空洞的哲理分析是我们的 3 个历史包袱。今后应采取更加符合目前 预报水平的对策,提倡多元文化的并存和融合,建设高层次的中国地震科研文化。 关键词关键词:文化传统: 唯象性研究 地震预报 科研文化 关键词关键词:: 文章编号文章编号:0253-3782 (2009 )05-0564-19 中图分类号中图分类号:P315 文献标识码文献标识码:A 文章编号文章编号 中图分类号中图分类号 文献标识码文献标识码 Research on the History of Chinese Seismology Feng Rui Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100081,China Abstract : The history of Chinese seismological research can be traced back to four thousand years, and be divided into four stages, i.e., primitive knowledge, worship of nature, perceptual knowledge and scientific research. The second stage ran in the whole Qin-Han dynasties, and the fourth stage begun from Emperor Kangxi in Qing-dynasty and continued to the present. So far China has made four great contributions to the seismological development of the world, i.e., the invention of Zhang Heng’s seismoscope, great amount of historical records of earthquakes of four thousand years, most abundant anomalies data before earthquakes, and successful practice of earthquake prediction in Haicheng. However, the seismological research in China at the present is sti on the junior and developing stage. Now we have been carrying on some recessively historical load in our mind: the subconsciou


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