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广东农业科学 2013 年第 9 期 29 云南省核桃主产区气候因子分析 1,2 1,2 1,2 肖良俊 马 婷 宁德鲁 1.云南省木本油料工程技术研究中心袁 云南 昆明 650201 曰 2.云南省林业科学院经济林研究所袁 云南 昆明 650201冤 要 利用云南省核桃主产区40 个县的11 个气候因子数据袁分析各项气候因子对云南核桃分布的影响遥结果表明袁云南核 桃对温度 水分要求较高袁其中袁温度 包括 1 月均温尧7 月均温尧年均温尧逸10益积温冤对云南核桃分布的影响最大袁是第 1 主导因 子曰水分 包括年 雨量尧年均相对湿度冤对云南核桃分布的影响较大袁是第 2 主导因子遥 关键词 云南核桃曰 气候条件曰 主要影响因子 中图分类号 S664.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1004-874X 2013冤09-0029-03 Analysis on the climatic factors of the main producing areas of Juglans sigillata in Yunnan province X IAO Liang-j un1,2, MA T ing1,2, NING De-lu1,2 (1.The W oody Oil Engineering Research Cente r of Y unnan Prov ince , Kunming 650201, China; 2. Economic Fores t Ins titute, Y unnan A cade my of Fores try 袁Kunming 650201, China) Abstract: The effects of climatic factors on geographical distribution of Juglans sigillata were analyzed based on the datas of the 11 climatic factors of 40 counties in Yunnan province. The results showed that Juglans s igillata had the higher requirement for the water and temperature. The temperature (included J uly average temperature, January average temperature, annual average tempearture and 逸10益 accumulated temperature) was the basic dominant factor, the influence of temperature to the distribution of Juglans sigillata was the largest. The water (included annual rainfall and average relative humidity) was the second leading factor, the influence of water to the distribution of J



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