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广 西 植 物 Guihaia 30 ( 4 ) : 484 - 487 20 10 年 7 月
吴 钿 , 周 畅 , 刘敏超 , 刘素青
( 广东海洋大学 农学院 , 广东 湛江 524088 )
摘 要 : 对海桑属五种红树植物的叶片进行解剖学的观察和研究 。结果表明:海桑属红树植物的叶片上 、下
均有栅栏组织 ,栅栏组织与叶片厚的比值在 0 . 3375 ~0 . 4349 之间 ,属等面叶;表皮的角质膜厚 1. 88 ~7 . 63
m ;输导组织发达 ;多数种类的栅栏组织中有分泌腔 ,而海绵组织中有单宁异细胞分布 。说明了海桑属红树
植物叶片的结构具有很强的耐旱及抗腐蚀能力 。
关键词 : 海桑属 ; 叶片 ; 解剖结构 ; 生态适应
中图分类号 : Q944 . 5 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 10003 142 (20 10)
① Leaf structure and its ecological adaptability
in f ive species of Sonner atia
WU Tian , ZHOU Chang , L IU MinChao , L IU SuQing
( A g ricultural College , Guang dong Ocean University , Zhanjiang 524088 , China )
Abstract : The anatomical leaf structures of five S onneratia mangrove species were observed. The result s showed t hat
S onneratia mangrove had isobilateral leaves wit h palisade tissue in uppermost and lowermo st . The ratio of palisade
tissue and t he whole leaf t hickness was 0 . 3375 - 0 . 4349 . S onneratia mangrove had j uvenile leaves wit h t he epider
mal horny membranes in t he t hickness of 1. 88 - 7 . 63 m. The cuticular membrane on epidermis was t hicken and
conducting ti ssue was developed. There are secretory cavities in t he palisade tissue and tanniniferous idioblast in t he
spongy tissue in t he leaves of most sp ecies. The result s indicated t hat leaf structures of S onneratia mangrove had
good drought and corrosion tolerance .
Key words : S onneratia ; leaf ; an