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摘 要
Collusion and Governance Insights Audit
With the development of capital markets, by 2014 year, listed companies scale up to 3500 families. Case auditing collusion of listed company in Chinas capital market often, serious harm to the interests of investors and other stakeholders, is not conducive to the healthy development of capital markets and market without timely treatment, will ruin the development of CPA. Audit collusion there are many causes, both internal and external environmental factors and so on. In order to prevent the auditing collusion, also needs to perfect the audit system, strengthen audit and supervision. Meanwhile, registered accountants and regulators still need to actively think about how to raise the level of professional quality and prevent the auditing collusion, minimizing the loss of audit conspiracy.
This article States the basic definition of audit conspiring and analyzed the theoretical basis of the auditing collusion of listed companies and the inner drives of the auditing collusion of listed company auditing collusion of listed companies and the external environment, the status of theoretical basis for audit conspiring and its governance of listed companies and implement recommendations.
Key words: listed company;auditing collusion;countermeasures
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 研究思路 1
第二章 中外文献回顾 2
2.1国外研究现状 2
2.2国内研究现状 2
第三章 审计合谋相关理论 3
3.1 审计合谋的定义及分类 3
3.1.1审计合谋的定义 3
3.1.2审计合谋的分类 3
3.2 审计合谋的危害 3
3.3审计合谋的动因 4
第四章 审计合谋内外部环境分析 6
4.1 审计合谋的外部环境分析 6
4.2 审计合谋的内部环境分析 6
第五章 审计合谋的现状分析 7
5.1惩处力度小 7
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