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四川涼山南紅瑪瑙水晶芯結構成因研究 The Formation of Quartz Crystal Geodes in Southern Red Agate from Liangshan, Sichuan, China 金芯羽 何雪梅  Jin Xin-yu, He Xue-mei 中國地質大學 珠寶學院,北京,100083  電郵:eternity.pany@ Abstract: Rock Crystal from the East China 關鍵詞:南紅瑪瑙;水晶芯;粒狀結構; Sea has become popular again recently. 成因 This is due to the crystal druse geode it 南紅瑪瑙之名與產地有關,也是近十多年 forms at its centre, which resembles the pot 才出現的,是對產自我國西南部一種色澤 of treasure often found in Chinese legends. 艷麗的紅瑪瑙的統稱,其最初開採於雲南 Similar crystal core geode structures are 保山,最早被世人關注與研究。保山南 also found in southern red agate. The 紅瑪瑙雖然多裂,但仍被認為是好品質南 author investigated some pieces of southern 紅瑪瑙的代表,該產地南紅水晶芯較為少 red agate from Liangshan, Sichuan to 見。而近期發現的四川涼山南紅瑪瑙,其 analyse the structure of the crystal geodes. 少裂且完整度好,但部分礦區所產南紅存 Gemmological investigations, including 在著大量水晶芯現象。具完整水晶芯結構 SEM (scanning electron microscopy) 的瑪瑙在我國東海水晶市場上被稱為“聚 and differential thermal analysis, etc 寶盆”而受到消費者的青睞,價格高於普 were conducted to examine the sample materials. The results indicated that the process of formation of the crystal geode structure is prolonged due to changes in the external environment (temperature and/or material solution concentration). This allows enough time for the crystallization of silica. The crystal geode appears during the early agate formation. If the environment reverts to its previous state, chalcedony will appear. a. 雲南保山南紅瑪瑙 Keywords: Southern red agate, crystal geode, granular structure 摘要:近期,東海水晶因為“聚寶盆”種 類的興起再次引起人們的關注,其中央可 見密集水晶晶簇,玲瓏剔透,令人喜愛, 而在南紅瑪瑙中,也有類似的形態-水晶 芯結構,故作者選定四川涼山南紅瑪瑙, 採用常規寶石學測試手段,並結合掃描電 鏡與差熱分析等測試分析方法,對水晶芯 結構成因進行研究。結果表明,形成水晶 芯結構的過程是反覆的,只要外界環境發 生變化(溫度或/和溶液濃度),導致二 氧化矽結晶時間增長,則就會在早期形成 b. 四川涼山南紅瑪瑙 瑪瑙基礎上,形成水晶芯,若環境恢復到 之前的狀態,便又會結晶形成玉髓。 圖1 兩個產地的南紅瑪瑙 51


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