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高三按字母顺序翻译 字母 A 1、他在朋友最需要的时刻背信弃义地抛弃了他们。(abandon) He faithlessly abandoned his friends in their moment of need. 2、我正要离校,天开始下大雨。(about) I was about to leave my school when it began to rain heavily / pour. 3、经理不在的时候由我负责。(absence) In the absence of the manager, I shall be in charge. 4、昨天,他因为生病而缺席了会议。(absent) He was absent from the meeting because of illness yesterday. 5、温度越高,空气能吸收的水蒸气就越多。(absorb) The higher the temperature (is), the more vapour the air can absorb. 6、女儿全神贯注地看卡通,压根儿没听见我对她说的话。(absorb) My daughter was absorbed in her cartoon so that she didn’t hear what I was saying to her at all. / My daughter was so absorbed in …that … 7、我们坚信这个高科技产品总有一天会被接受,因为事实胜于雄辩。(accept) We firmly believe that this hi-tech product will be accepted one day because facts speak louder than words. 8、每个农村的孩子现在都享有受教育的机会。(access) Now / Nowadays every child in the countryside has access to education. 9、游客只有坐小船才能去那个岛屿。(accessible) The island is accessible to tourists only by boat. 10、我今天很荣幸能陪你参观名胜。(accompany) It’s my pleasure to accompany you on a tour of the scenic spot/ place of interest. 11、虚度年华的人终将一事无成。 ( accomplish ) Whoever has wasted his life will eventually accomplish nothing. 12、他的人生经历可以说明他为什么如此乐于助人。 ( account ) His experiences in his life can account for the reason why he is ready to help others. 13、非法下载仍然占全世界音乐下载的95%。(account v) Illegal downloads still account for 95 percent of music downloads worldwide. 14、在挑选教师的时候,校长常考虑他的教育背景,经验,能力等等。( take …into account ) When choosing a teacher, the principal often takes into account his educational background, experience, ability, etc. 15、他们指控公司未能保护好公众的利益。(accuse) They accused the company of failing to safeguard / protect the interests of the public. / not protecting / safeguarding … 16、进入高中以来,许多同学已经习惯于天天学习到深夜。(accustom) Many students have been accustomed to studying until far into the night since they entered senior high school. 17、我们希望在年底前实现我们的目标。(achieve) We hope to achieve our aims by the end of the year.


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