Nanophotonics Lecture 2 - Physics and Astronomy at TAMU:纳米光子学讲座2——在塔木物理学和天文学.ppt

Nanophotonics Lecture 2 - Physics and Astronomy at TAMU:纳米光子学讲座2——在塔木物理学和天文学.ppt

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Nanophotonics Lecture 2 - Physics and Astronomy at TAMU:纳米光子学讲座2——在塔木物理学和天文学

Nanophotonics II Plasmonics Biophotonics Exotics What is a surface plasmon polariton? Grating can be also used to extract SPPs: Photon momentum conservation in photonic crystals Localized (near-field) excitation of SPPs by a metallic tip of a near-field microscope illuminated by laser light Detection of SPPs by a tip of near-field microscope More of the same Invent your own technique for excitation, detection, waveguiding of plasmons! Biophotonics Nano-Biosensors based on localized plasmons Luminescence of sensitized metal nanoparticles Surface enhanced Raman scattering and CARS Evanescent field sensors with substrate sensitized to a specific molecule Adsorbed molecules change the excitation angle of EM mode Monitoring of three-step oligonucleotide hybridization reaction PSTM SNOM Tip illuminates the sample; Scattered light is collected Tip collects the evanescent light created by laser illuminating the sample from the back Near-field microscopy for imaging nanoobjects and single molecules Note: your tool (PSTM, NSOM etc.) can strongly perturb your sample and distort its properties. When you do experiment, make sure you understand what you measure. Always have a reference case to compare with and a control case for which you know what results you should obtain. * Transverse EM wave coupled to a plasmon (wave of charges on a metal/dielectric interface) = SPP (surface plasmon polariton) Polariton – any coupled oscillation of photons and dipoles in a medium Note: the wave has to have the component of E transverse to the surface (be TM-polarized). Surface plasmons Barnes et al. Nature 2003 Plasmons can be confined to nanoscale and propagate along nanostrips, through nanoholes, etc. See derivation of plasmon dispersion on white board Calculated dispersion of surface plasmon-polaritons propagating at a Ag/air, Ag/glass, and Ag/Si interface, respectively. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) in different materials Plasmon resonance frequency strongly depends on geom


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