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6.belong 属于 7.instead 代替 8.take ones 听取某人的建议 9.in order ;so as 为了 10.give 放弃 to of advice to to up 1.break into破门而入,强行闯入;突然……起来 [教材P13原句]The next day,I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.第二天,我闯入一座房子偷了一台电视机和一台录像机。 ①A thief broke into the room and stole all the valuable things.一个小偷闯入房间并偷走了所有值钱的东西。 break in       打断;闯入 break out 爆发;突然发生 break away from 脱离;打破 break through 突围;突破;冲垮 ②A fire broke out during the night. 夜间突然发生了火灾。 ③Should another world war ,what would become of human beings? 如果再次爆发世界大战,人类会怎么样呢? ④Scientists hope to soon in their fight against heart disease. 科学家希望在治疗心脏病方面能很快有所突破。 break out break through 2.give up放弃;让给;停止 [教材P19原句]And here are some ideas to help people to give up smoking. 这儿有几条建议可以帮助人们戒烟。 ①He was asked to give up gambling. 人们劝他戒赌。 give sth. up to 把……让给(献给)…… give away 泄露(机密);暴露;分发(奖品等) give in (to) (向……)屈服,(向……)让步 give way to 给……让路/让步;被……代替 ②In the bus,the young should give up their seats to the old.在公共汽车上,年轻人应该把座位让给老年人。 ③They argued back and forth until finally Jack . 他们反复争论,直到最后杰克让步为止。 ④He said he hadnt told her,but his face . 他说他没告诉她,可他的脸色出卖了他。 gave in gave him away Ⅰ.选词填空 1.As a child,he liked ________________(拆卸机器). 答案: took his advice break into,be related to,disagree with,take ones advice,set a date,give up 2.More and more people die of illness ________ using drugs. 答案:related to 3.They rang up the police station immediately they found their house ________. 答案:broken into 4.Have you ________ for the wedding? 答案:set a date 5.My total ________ hers. 答案:disagreed with 6.If you want to ________ your bad habits,you must be strong-minded. 答案:give up Ⅱ.单项填空 1.Though he was badly injured,he is now ________. A.out of danger    B.out of place C.out of control


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