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1-# Time Management (專案時間管理) Activity Definition (活動定義) Activity Sequencing (活動排序) Activity Duration Estimating (活動期程估算) Schedule Development (時程發展) Schedule Control (時程控制) Time Management Framework (專案時程管理結構) Activity Definition 活動定義 Decomposition of Activity Definition 活動的分解 Subdividing the work packages to smaller, more manageable components. 將專案工作包細分更小、更能管理的要素。(方便估算和管制) Definition Decompose Output 定 義 分 解 輸 出 Scope 範疇 ? Deliverables 交運標的 Activity 活動 ? Task 任務 (以 WBS 為基礎,輸出最終的活動清單。) Activity Sequencing (活動排序) Activity Dependencies - Mandatory 活動依存關係-強制依存 (1/4) - Hard Logic 硬邏輯 Natural, inherent or physical limitations. 自然、先天或實體上的限制。 E.g. columns must be erected before the roof can be constructed; program must be written before it can be tested. 如:屋頂建造前,柱子須先立好;程式要先寫好才能開始測試。 Activity Dependencies – Discretionary 活動依存關係-刻意依存 (2/4) - Soft Logic 軟邏輯 Defined by the project team. 由專案團隊所定義。 Usually from the “Best Practices” of a particular application area, or some unusual aspects of the project. 通常來自某特定應用領域的「最佳實務」或專案的某些特性。 Activity Dependencies – External 活動依存關係-外部依存 (3/4) Related to non-project activities. 與非專案活動有關。 - E.g. environmental impact assessment required by government regulation needs to be approved before the construction of a chemical plant can begin. 如:政府規定的環境影響評估通過後,才能進行化學工廠的建造。 Activity Dependencies – Milestone 活動依存關係-里程碑 (4/4) A significant event in the project, usually a completion of a major deliverable. 專案的顯要事件,通常是主要交運標的的完成。 (里程碑沒有工期 ? Duration 工期 = 0) Precedence Diagramming Methods (PDM) 順序圖示法 (1/3) Node 節點(方形) = Activity 活動; Arrow 箭頭 = Dependencies 依存關係 (先後順序)。 Also called Activity-On-Node (AON) 亦稱為 「節點活動圖法」。 Precedence Diagramming Methods (PDM) 順序圖示法 (2/3) 4 Dependencies of PDM 順序圖法的四種依存關係: Precedence Diagramming Methods (PDM) 順序圖示法 (3/3) 四種順序關係範例: Arrow Diagramming Methods (ADM) 箭線圖示法(1/2) Arrow 箭頭 = Activity 活動 (solid line 實線); Node 節點 = dependencies 依存


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