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What is Statistical inference 4.1 sampling distribution The probability distribution of the sample statistic is called the sampling distribution 样本是通过对总体的随机抽样获得的 样本统计量是随机变量,有一定的概率分布 The concept of sampling distribution 4.1.1 ?2 distribution, t distribution and F distribution (1)?2 (chi-square) distribution Definition 设随机变量X1, X2, ?, Xn彼此独立且都服从标准正态分布 N(0, 1),则随机变量 Nature ?2 分布的期望和方差:E(Y)=n;Var(Y)=2n ?2 分布的可加性:若Y1 ~ ?2 (n),Y2 ~ ?2 (m),且相互独立,则Y1 ± Y2 ~ ?2 (n ± m) ?2 分布无负值,其取值范围为(0,?) ?2 分布为非对称分布,其分布曲线的形状由自由度决定,自由度越大,分布越趋于对称。当 n ? ?, ?2 (n) ? N(n, 2n) ?2 分布上侧分位数表:table 3(p. 300) (2)t distribution definition 设Z ~ N(0, 1),Y ~ ?2 (n),且相互独立,则 t distribution Nature 与标准正态分布相似 关于 t = 0对称 只有一个峰,峰值在t = 0 分布曲线受自由度影响,自由度越小,离散程度越大 当 n ? ?,t(n) ? N(0, 1) t distribution t distribution t分布双侧分位数表:Table 4(p. 302) (3)F distribution definition 若 X ~ ?2 (m),Y ~ ?2 (n),且相互独立,则 F distribution F distribution Nature F分布为非对称分布,其取值范围为(0,?),分布曲线受两个自由度的影响 若F ~ F(m, n),则 1/F ~ F(n, m) 若t ~ t(n),则 t2 ~ F(1, n) F distribution F分布的上侧分位数表:Table 5(p. 304) 4.1.2 distribution of the sample mean of normal population distribution of the sample mean of normal population expectation distribution of the sample mean of normal population distribution of the sample mean of normal population 正态总体样本平均数的分布 设样本来自正态总体 N(? , ? 2),则样本平均数也服从正态分布,其总体均数为? ,方差为? 2/n。 4.1.3 Central Limit Theorem 4.1.4 distribution of the sample variance of normal population distribution of the sample variance of normal population The distribution of sample variance 4.2 Parameter estimation Definition of parameter estimation estimate the population parameters by sample statistics Basic form point estimation interval estimation 4.2.1 point estimation (1) method of point estimate (2)Evaluation of estimates Expectation of sample variance 4.2.2 interval estimation 以一定的置信度对参数可能取值范围的估计 (1) interval estimation of the average for normal distribution Parameter estimation - interval estimation interval estimation of the average for n


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