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Emergency Risk Communication Principles and Applied Practices in China 应急风险沟通原则及在中国的实践 Melinda Frost, MA, MPH Health Communications Officer US Embassy, Beijing Presentation Outline 主要内容 Emergency and Risk Communication Definitions 突发事件及风险沟通的定义 Emergency Risk Communication Principles 应急风险沟通的原则 Emergency Risk Communication in China 中国开展应急风险沟通的情况 Rapid Assessment and application in outbreak settings 疫情暴发时的快速评估及应用 What is Emergency Risk Communication? 什么是应急风险沟通? The attempt by science or public health professionals to provide information that allows an individual, stakeholders, or an entire community to make the best possible decisions during an emergency about their well being. 在突发事件发生时,公共卫生专业人员及学术界人士努力通过向个人、利益相关者(单位)乃至整个社区提供信息,从而帮助他们做出有利于他们安好的最佳决策。 Emergency and Risk Communication Working Definitions/Concepts定义/概念 Emergency Risk Communication 应急风险沟通 Encompasses the urgency of crisis (disaster or disease outbreak) when an organization must communicate with affected audiences with the need to communicate risks and benefits to target audiences在危机事件(灾难或疾病暴发)发生时,相关的组织机构必须向受到影响的群体告知风险及利益。 Explain crisis and empower decision making 对危机事件进行解释并使受影响的群体有能力作出决定 Emergency Risk Communication Purpose目的 Emergency Risk Communication Purpose目的 Emergency Risk Communication Purpose目的 Emergency Risk Communication Lifecycle 应急风险沟通的过程 To facilitate and anticipate the needs of the public, the media, and partners at different stages 预测并努力满足公众、媒体及伙伴在不同阶段的需求 Each stage has unique communications and information requirements 每个阶段对沟通及信息的要求都是不同的 Pre-Crisis Communication 危机发生前的沟通 Be prepared 有所准备 Foster alliances 加强联盟 Develop recommendations through consensus在共识的基础上提出建议 Test audience messages 测试信息 Risk Perception 风险认知 Voluntary vs. involuntary 自主的/被动的 Personally controlled vs. controlled by others 自己控制的/他人控制的 Familiar vs. exotic 熟悉的/陌生的 Risk Perception风险认知 Nature vs. manmade 自然的/人为的 Reversible vs. permanent 可逆的/永久的 Statistical vs. anecdotal 统计数字/道听途说 R


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