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年终奖管理制度 Annual bonus management policy 1 目的: Objective: 为了建立和完善公司薪酬福利管理系统,使公司职员的贡献得到认可,并提高 职员的绩效与公司的业绩,使公司得到可持续性发展,制定本制度。 To establish and improve the system of CB management, recognize everyone’s contribution to our company; improve performance of employees to enable the sustainable development, we establish the system. 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 2 适用范围 Sphere of application 2.1 所有公司职员(包括临时工)。 All employees (including temporary workers) 2.2 在当年度年终奖发放前,有下列情况之一者,取消年终奖: The annual bonus will be canceled if any of the following situations happens before it paid; 中途离职者。 Anyone who leaves company in half way. 在自然年前还是试用期的职工(如试用期6个月已超过三个月按比例计算)。 Anyone who is still inside the probation period during the calendar year. (Prorated if over 3 months of the probation period) 因生产操作或管理疏忽造成安全或工伤事故或打架斗殴的。 Fighting, injury and safety accident caused by wrong operation or management 因日常工作疏忽给公司造成损失的或给公司造成质量事故或客户投诉的。 Those who causes damage to the company or complained by the customer 因严重违反公司制度收到严重处分或造成重大影响的。 Been warned for breaking the company regulations seriously 一年内累计警告超过两次(包含两次)的。 Been warned over 2 times (including 2 times) one year 一年内事假不超过10享受75%,大于10天(包括10)小于15天享受50%,超过15天(包括15)取消年终奖,病假大于30天(包括30)小于60天享受50%年终奖,大于60天( 包括60)取消年终奖。 Personal leaves of absence for less than 10 days, 75% of bonus; more the 10 days (including 10 days) but less than 15 days, 50% of bonus; more than 15 days(including 15 days), no bonus; sick leave for over 30 days(including 30 days) but less than 60 days, 50% of bonus; over 60 days, no bonus) 3定义 Define 3.1 自然年:指1月1日至12月31日 Calendar year: from 1.1 to 12.31 4职责 Responsibility: 4.1 人力资源部:负责年终奖的计算; HR department: Calculate the bonus 4.2 财务部:负责年终奖的发放; Financial department: Issue the bonus 4.3 总经理:依照公司年度经营状况,负责决定年终奖系数;负责本制度批准及每年年终奖的审批; G.M: Determine the parameter of the annual bonus according to the performance of our company, and authorize the regulation and approve the annual bonus 5 内容 Content 5.1 职员年终奖支付将综合考虑以下因素: Factors as below will be cons



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