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笔译 修辞翻译

选择以修辞手法为主题的原因:;原文: 话说宝玉举目见北静王水溶净白簪缨银翅王帽,穿着江牙海水五爪龙白蟒袍,系着碧玉红鞓带;面如美玉,目似明星;真好秀丽人物 。 ——《红楼梦》曹雪芹 译文: Looking up, Pao-yu saw that the Prince of Peiching had on a princely silver-winged cap with white tassels, a white robe embroidered with zigzag wave patterns and five-clawed dragons, and a red leather belt studded with green jade. With his face fair as jade, his eyes bright as stars, he was truly a handsome figure.;2、原文: 白云一片去悠悠,青枫浦上不胜愁 ——《春江花月夜》张若虚 译文: Away, away is sailing a single cloud white; On Farewell Beach pine away maples tree.;3、原文: 滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。 ——《三国演义》罗贯中 译文: The Great River rolls to sea, Flowers do waves thrash, Heroes do sands smash. ;4、原文: 向青草更青处漫溯, 满载一船星辉, 在星辉斑斓里放歌。 ——《再别康桥》徐志摩 译文: Just to pole a boat upstream to where the green grass is more verdant; Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight. ;二、英译汉: 1、原文: The wind leafs through the trees; And I know what passes there for words, And sometimes repeat them softly. ——Rainer Maria Rilke《The Blind woman》 译文: 风翻动林叶, 我知晓他们的话语, 并时而柔声复诵。 ;2、原文: Change is part of life and the making of character, hon. When the things happen that you do not like, you have two choices: You get bitter or better. ——名言 译文: 变化是生活的一部分,而且也塑造了人的意志品德,亲爱的。当你不喜欢的事情发生了,你有两种选择:要么痛苦不堪;要么痛快达观。 ;3、原文: A mellow softness appears to hang over the whole earth: the fluence of the season seems to extend itself to the very wagon, whose slow motion across the well-reaped field, is perceptible only to the eye, but strikes with no harsh sound upon the ear. ——《August》 译文: 整个大地似乎笼罩着醇美的柔和;季节的影响,似乎伸展至那辆马车,它缓慢地越过收割过的那片田地,这


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