第7讲 类与对象 - 补充.ppt

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第7讲 类与对象 - 补充

… int StackOfIntegers::push(int value) { return elements[size++] = value; } int StackOfIntegers::pop() { return elements[--size]; } int StackOfIntegers::getSize() { return size; } * StackOfIntegers.cpp续 #include iostream #include StackOfIntegers.h“ using namespace std; int main() { StackOfIntegers stack; for (int i = 0; i 10; i++) stack.push(i); while (!stack.empty()) cout stack.pop() ; return 0; } * TestStackOfIntegers.cpp * The C++ vector Class The preceding two examples use arrays to store students and int values. There is a serious limitation: the array size is fixed in the class declaration. C++ provides the vector class, which is more flexible than arrays. You can use a vector object just like an array, but a vector’s size can grow automatically if needed. * The C++ vector Class 语法 * 创建向量的语法: vectordataType vectorName; 例如:下面语句创建了一个int型向量: vectorint intVector; 向量的访问采用下标运算符[ ],例如: coutintVector[0]; #include iostream #include vector #include string using namespace std; int main() { vectorint intVector; // Store numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., 10 to the vector for (int i = 0; i 10; i++) intVector.push_back(i + 1); // Display the numbers in the vector cout Numbers in the vector: ; for (int i = 0; i intVector.size(); i++) cout intVector[i] ; * TestVector.cpp … vectorstring stringVector; // Store strings into the vector stringVector.push_back(Dallas); stringVector.push_back(Houston); stringVector.push_back(Austin); stringVector.push_back(Norman); // Display the string in the vector cout \nStrings in the string vector: ; for (int i = 0; i stringVector.size(); i++) cout stringVector[i] ; stringVector.pop_back(); // Remove the last element * TestVector.cpp续一 … vectorstring v2; v2.swap(stringVector); v2[0] = Atlanta; // Redisplay the string in the vector cout \nStrings in the vector v2: ; for (int i = 0; i v2.size(); i++) cout v2.at(i) ; return 0; } *


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