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Company Logo Tempting though it may be to explore the causes and consequences of the idea, restrain yourself (at least for this exercise) to reiteration. Your purpose is to convince your reader, but it is not to bore him and therefore you should vary the phrasing of the topic. Company Logo A Bull Market and Bear Market Bull (buyer): It refers to a person who buys business shares in the hope of reselling them at a higher price. A Bull Market: It indicates a period of time when stock prices are rising. It is a rising market and a period of optimism. It tends to be associated with increasing investor confidence, motivating investors to buy in anticipation of future capital gains. A bull market is also described as a bull run. Bear (seller): It refers to a person who keeps selling stocks so as to lower the price, and at last buys back at a lower price a larger amount than that sold. A Bear Market: It indicates a period of time when stock prices (values) are falling. It is a falling market and a period of pessimism. Investors anticipating further losses are motivated to sell, with negative sentiment feeding on itself in a vicious circle. Company Logo Why Bull and Bear? The precise origin of the phrases bull market and bear market is obscure. The Oxford English Dictionary cites an 1891 use of the term bull market. Some Clues It relates to the head (neck) of the animals: Bear’s head (neck) points downwards while Bull’s head (neck) points upwards. It relates to the way that the animals attack: Bull attacks upwards with its horns from bottom, while Bear swipes downwards with its paws from above. It relates to the speed of the animals: Bull usually charges at very high speed whereas Bear normally is lazy and cautious mover. Bear hibernates, while Bull does not. The word bull plays off the markets returns being full whereas bear alludes to the markets returns being bare. The expressions bullish and bearis


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