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体裁式教学法在中学英语写作教学中的应用 The Application of Genre-based Approach Teaching in Senior English writing Thesis Statement Genre-based teaching approach provokes a new way to teach English writing, it aims to improve students’ writing competence by providing them with a repertoire of genre knowledge and helping them have the awareness of generic conventions under certain social and cultural contexts, genre knowledge is an important factor to be considered for both teachers and students in the process of writing. 中文文摘 英语写作是英语学习中必不可少的四项基本技能之一,在外语教学研究中吸引了越来越多的关注。但是,目前高中英语的写作形势不容乐观:学生写作一直处于低水平状态;又加上英语新课标对写作提出了更高的要求。为了改变这种状况,本文提出将体裁教学法运用于高中课堂的设想。因为就目前对体裁研究来看,此法主要用于大学英语写作。为了验证其可行性,本文在综合了主要流派对体裁研究的基础上,进行了相应的实证研究。本文主要包括四章: 第一章是引言部分,概述大学英语写作教学的现状,说明本研究的目的和意义。第二章是文献综述部分,介绍相关的写作理论和体裁教学法的理论基础。在这一章里,作者综述了体裁的定义、体裁分析理论;第三章论述了学生在英语写作中面临的主要困难以及英语写作教学的重要性。第四章是运用具体的体裁—议论文的写作教学来阐释过程体裁教学法的写作过程,并就各个写作步骤的教学提出了可行的教学技巧。第五章是结论,总结全文,并提出今后的研究方向。 关键词:体裁;体裁分析;体裁教学法;写作教学 Abstract English writing, as one of the four indispensable skills of language learning, has been drawn more and more attention in the language teaching and research. However, the present situation is not optimistic: the writing ability Chinese students have long been weak. In addition, the New English Curriculum Standard has set a higher demand for writing. In order to change this situation, the author puts forward such a tentative idea as the genre-based approach to be used in classroom instruction. As far as most researches engaged in genre are concerned, such an approach in mainly used English writing. The paper, based on the Chinese writing situation, carries out the empirical study so as to test its feasibility The paper is divided into four chapters: Chapter One briefly introduces the present situation in college English writing and points out the significance of the study. Chapter Two is a review of relevant literature of writing and genre approach. In this part, genre is defined and the theory of genre analysis is introduc


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