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L4 L31 L34 L18 L16 L46 L 12 L23 L29 L 26 L45 L41 He is forever talking about … Nothing can be compared , he maintains, with My friend fails to mention … He say nothing about … 从词汇角度加工信息 starve to death 饿死 Sb wait for sth 某人等待某人/物 Perhaps 也许 an element of sth 某事的成分 Sb have the opportunity to do 某人有机会做某事 illogical 不合情理 地中海 Mediterranean consider AB 把A视作B repulsive 恶心 on the other hand 另一方面 反胃 Your stomach turns 一想到 at the idea of 被普遍接受的 normally accepted sb have been brought up to do 某人自幼习的做某事 sb stick to do 某人固执的做某事 遗憾的是 The sad truth is that… A取决于B A depends on B 幽默感 the sense of humour A与B紧密相连 A be bound up with B 民族性格 national characteristics. 某人很难做到某事 might find it hard to 同样的 in the same way fail to 某人没能做到某事 amusing 有趣的 sth make sb do 让某人做某事 某人避免做某事 avoid doing A 被B影响 A be influenced by B 某人为某事自豪 sb. pride ourselves on sth 某人自由的做某事 sb. be free to do 某人不再做某事 Sb no longer do 从词汇角度加工信息 A 给B施加影响 A exert an influence on B 作为做某事的尝试 in their efforts to A劝说B做某事 persuade sb. to do 对某事做仔细研究 make a close study of sth 某人把某事进行分类 Sb classify sth 从词汇角度加工信息 从词汇角度加工信息 民主的 democratic A 限制 B V. A restrict B A谴责B V. A condemn B 某物被滥用 V. Sth be abused A比B赢得更多关注 A attract more attention than B 政治事件 political events 依某种论调行事 Acting on the contention that… ,S+V 个人 individuals 痛苦 suffering 巨大的 tremendous A给比施加了巨大影响B A exert a tremendous influence on B 某事带来变化 sth bring about change 推翻 V. overthrow 普通人 ordinary people sth (X) appeal to sb. ? [ ], regard A as something B1, or something B2. ? sb live in …, yet [at the ( ) mention of sth]. live [Though extol the virtues of sth ], only one of them and . Even he illusion people atmosphere closeness ( )pace( ) 1-4 cockcrow the twittering (of )(at ) the sight of ( )sun (-ing) (at and ) 5 * * * 某人总是做某事(不满) be always


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