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2010 Taiwan - Japan BilateralBilateral TechnologyTechnology InterchangeInterchange WorkshopWorkshop August 17-18, 2010, Hsinchu ITRI AugustAugust 1818, 9:209:20-10:0010:00 What is a Key Ingredient in the Recipe for Success? Application as an Alternative ofof ITOITO ElectrodesElectrodes inin TFTTFT-LCDLCD PanelsPanels andand Wide Application Tetsuya Yamamoto YY. SSatto, HH. MMakikino andd NN. YYamamotto Materials Design Center, KKochihi UUniiversiity off TTechhnollogy, JJapan Rare Metal Substitute Materials Development Project 33 inchinch LCDPLCDP Produced by CASIO White LED nanotechnanotech 2010,2010, Feb.Feb. 1717-19,19, TokyoTokyo 20 inch LCD Television (produced by SHARP) CONTENTSCONTENTS IntroductionIntroduction • Why ZnO? Review: • mainmain featurefeature • issues to be resolved Key research issues: • carriercarrier mobilitymobility Conclusion Developpment of ITO substitution material In addition to oil, natural gas and uranium, resource-poor Japan is now revving up its drive to secure rare metals, which are used in a wide range of high-technology products. Indium, a rare metal, currently plays important roles in the flat-panel displays and photovoltaic industry. Japan’s Strategy for Ensuring Stable Supplies of Rare Metals“: The future of ITO is in question as better performing transparent conductors emerge. FeaturesFeatures ofof ZnOZnO HighHigh transmittancetransmittance LowLow resistivityresistivity Oxygen Zinc Low crystallization


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