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106.非常感谢我在不在的时候你对我孩子的照顾.(grateful) I am grateful to you for having taken care of my children when I was out. 107.在学习中你决不能不懂装懂,要主动向同学和老师请教.(hesitate) You can’t pretend to know what you don’t, and don’t hesitate to consult your classmates and your teacher. 108.在求职面试中她流利的英语给考官留下了深刻印象.(impress) In the job interview, the examiner was impressed by her fluent English. be impressed by 对某事印象深刻 110.我们班有些学生打算在世博会期间做志愿者.(intend) Some students in our class intend to be volunteers during the Expo. 其他用法: be intended for/ to do 表示 “目标,针对是”。 111.千万不要卷入那件事情中.(involve) Don’t be involved in the matter. be involved in 被卷入,被牵涉, 参与 113.许多中学生为网络游戏所着迷.(fascinate) Many middle school students are fascinated by online games. 114.受压迫的村民正为自己的自由而斗争.(fight) The villagers who are oppressed are fighting for freedom. 115.在山谷,我们发现一些没有污染的湖泊.(free) In the valley, we have found some lakes free of pollution. 116.飞行中他们发生了一些可怕的事情.(happen) Something terrible happened to them during their flight. sth. happen to sb. 某人发生某事 117.我们在点烟花的时候,碰巧有一辆车路过.(happen) It happened that a car passed by when we were lighting the fireworks. A car happened to pass by when we were lighting the fireworks. 118.为了表示对那些对医学事业作出杰出贡献的人的敬意,政府决定树立一座纪念碑.(in honour of) The government decided to set up a monument in honour of those who made great contributions to medicine. 119.他不知道他父亲到了.(ignorant) He is ignorant of his father’s arrival. 120.你能想象几个大学生开办一家公司吗? (imagine) Can you imagine several university students opening a company? 121. 那座寺庙还未向公众开放.(inaccessible) The temple is inaccessible to the public. 122. 现代的女性在各方面都独立于男性.(independent) Modern women are independent of men. 123. 那儿很多人感染上了这种病.(infect) Many people there were infected with the disease. 124. 要在当今的世界上生存,任何国家都不能孤立于其他国家.(isolate) To survive in the world now, any country can’t be isolated from others. 125. 从目前的形势判断,石油生产下降是必然的.(judge) Judging from the current situation, the decrease in oil production is inevitable. 126. 她的视力不佳,使她不能经常在电脑前工作.(keep…from) Her poor eyes


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