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2010年9月口译考试热点话题:中美关系作者:Molla中国的对外关系这一话题是翻译考试需要注意的话题之一,其中的中美关系是考试的重点。总体来看,涉及到中美关系的考查段落难度不是很大,原因是有些固定的说法和套话,比如坚持三个联合公报、立足当前、放眼长远等等,所以只要做好梳理和记忆就行。 中美关系中涉及到的常见表述: 对华政策:China policy 起伏不定:be subject to fluctuation 经贸摩擦:economic and trade friction 中美三个联合公报:The three Sino-US Joint Communiques 建设性战略伙伴关系:constructive strategic partnership 面向21世纪的中美建设性伙伴关系 a constructive, strategic partnership between China and the United Stated aimed at the next century 历经风雨、不断向前发展 move ahead steadily amid twists and turns 看清中美关系的主流和时代潮流,把握大局,着眼未来,扩大共识,发展合作 (We should) stand high to get a commanding view, recognize the mainstream of the relationship and the trend of the times, keep the overall picture and the future in mind and work to broaden consensus and promote cooperation. 立足当前、放眼长远,从战略的高度审视和处理中美关系 (Let us) get grounded on the current situation and take a long view with a strategic vision when looking at and handling Sino-U.S. relation. 牢牢把握两国共同利益,加强对话、交流与合作 focus ourselves on our common interests with strengthened dialogue, exchanges and cooperation? 努力消除误解 remove misunderstanding 妥善处理分歧 properly address differences 5 proposals for Sino-US relations by President Hu(2009年11月17日,胡锦涛就进一步推进中美关系发展提出五点重要主张中涉及到的重点表述) 一、持之以恒增进中美战略互信。FURTHER STRATEGIC MUTUAL TRUST 1.尊重对方核心利益和重大关切是中美两国建立战略互信的前提。 The two countries continue to increase strategic mutual trust with prerequisite of respect for each other’s core interests and major concerns. 2.坚持一个中国政策sticks to the one-China policy 3.妥善处理台湾问题properly handle the Taiwan issue 4.不允许“藏独”、“东突”分裂势力利用美国领土从事反华分裂活动forbid Tibet independence and East Turkistan forces from using US territory to cover their anti-China separatist activities 5.中美两国不应互为对手,而要做相互信赖、真诚合作的伙伴。 China and the United States should not be opponents, but partners that trust each other and cooperate sincerely. 6.中国的发展对包括美国在内的世界各国是机遇而不是挑战,更不是威胁。 The development of China is an opportunity for all nations, including the United States. It is not a challenge, let alone a threat. 二、保持密切高层交往和其他各级别对话磋商。


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