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3L 下册 每课练习

Lesson53-54习题 一. 让______ 玩_______ 十_______ 捉迷藏_________ ,有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站______ ,藏_________ 在…上方________ _______ 在…旁_________ 篱笆_________ 在…后面_________ 能_______黑板______ 在家________ 二.. ( ) 1.Where___the children? A.is B.are C.were ( ) 2.Where _____Liz and Lillie? A.is B.are C.were ( ) 3.Where _____Mr Williams? A.is B.are C.were ( ) 4.The boy ____the ball. A.in B.for C.on D.with ( ) 5. -----______this? ----It’s a car . A.What B.What’s C.What are ( )6.Count up _____ten. A.to B.for C.is 三.写出正确词形 Glasses_________(单数) they are(缩写)____________ Sue(所有格)___________ on(反)____________ 四 .翻 1.我__________________________________ 2.你在那篱笆后面。________________________________ 3.他在那._______________________________ 4这可怪了,他不在. _______________________________________________. 五.. Billy: Let’s _________ hide-and-seek . Sue :Count___________ten ,Billy. I’m________(准)! Billy:Where_________Sandy ? Sue: He’s__________(在。。。下面)that tree . Billy:Where_________Liz_________Lillie ? Sue: They are ______________(在。。。后面)the fence. Billy:That’s __________________(有趣的)! Lesson55-56 英 风筝_________ 大________ 鸟_______ 动物 ________ At home________front____________look at__________ High_________ at school__________between_________ 选择 1.Hold this kite____me please,sue. A.to B.for C.with 2.It’s_____ high. A.to B.under C.very 3.Where are the ____ (双胞胎)? A.twin B.twins C.twni 4.Now stand____those two trees. A.between B.building C.beautiful 三.根据要求 1. I can see it now.( I __________see it new. 2.Sandy and Sue are behind that fence.( ________ _______Sandy and Sue? 3.There are some pencils on the desk.( There ________ _________pencils on the desk. 根据情境 Liz:Hold this kite _______me please,Lillie. Lillie: All _______,Liz. Liz:_________the kite? Lillie: It’s over that ________(大). Liz: I can______ it now. It’s very__________


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