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8 1 () V o.l 8 No. 1 2008 3 JOU RNAL O F NAN JING NO RM AL UN IVERS ITY ( ENG INEER ING AN D TECHNO LOGY ED IT ION ) M ar, 2008 绝热式水浴量热计装置参数和性能标定 1 1 2 1 1 张奕 , 李奇贺, 季侃, 胡洪, 翁雯 ( 1 , , 2 10042; 2, , 2 10003 ) [ ] , . , , . , . . [ ] , , , , [ ] O 434. 12 [] A [ ] 1672- 1292( 2008) 01-0047-04 Calibration of Param eters and Accuracy of an AdiabaticW ater Bath Calorim eter 1 1 2 1 1 Z hang Y i , L iQ ihe , J i Kan , H u Hong , W eng W en ( 1. S cool of P ow er E ng neer ng, N anj ng N orm al U n vers ty, N anj ng 210042, Ch na; 2. N anj ng A u tom at on R esearch In st tute, N anj ng 2 10003, Ch na) Abstract: A n ad abat c w a ter bath ca lo rm eter w as des gned to m easure the spec f c capac ty and fu s on heat of a m a ter- a l. M odels and expe rm en tal me thod w ere prov ded to cal brate param ete rs and accuracy o f the dev ce. The hea t capac- ty, st rr ng pow er and heat loss o f the calor me ter w ere cal brated by exper ments. The spec f c capac t es o f coppe r and w ater at three tem pe rature, and the fu s on heat o f ce w ere detected by the ca lo rm eter. Itw as conf rmed tha t the results had sat sfy ng accuracy. The ca lorm e ter can prov de accura te expe rm en tal resu lts fo r the m easur ng o f the rma l propert es o f therm a l storage m ate r als. K ey words: w ater ba th, calor me ter, therm a l propert es, accuracy, cal brat on , . , . . DSC , . , 0 ~ 100. , [ 1] . , , ,


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