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论文题目:XX公司市场营销策略研究 I摘要 本文论述了XX公司作为一家发卡设备代理公司,面对日益激烈的市场竞争,如何对公司内外部环境进行分析,并对各种可利用的资源加以整合,以加强公司的整体竞争力,建立局部竞争优势。 本论文以关系营销理论为基础,结合XX公司及所处市场实际状况,在分析了行业发展状况、公司现状后,对公司所处市场环境进行SWOT分析,找出主要的外部机会与威胁,并分析公司内部资源的优势与劣势。根据分析结果,寻找公司建立局部优势的突破口,得出XX公司应该选择增长型市场战略,并提出如下实施建议: 1.充分了解市场需求,分析客户关注的利益所在,通过加强内部管理,为客户提供高质量的服务,提高客户的满意度,从而建立与客户的长期合作关系。 2.对公司内部资源进行整合,包括树立公司品牌;同时对现有产品线进行调整,针对不同客户,集中资源,突出重点产品的销售。 3.建立营销联盟,广泛寻求外部合作,包括制造商的各种支持,与客户的业务与技术合作,选择混合型渠道模式,充分利用经销商的资源,并发展与部分竞争对手的合作。 通过以上方法,可建立XX公司在产品、服务等方面的优势,同时充分利用各种外部资源,增强公司的整体市场竞争能力。 关键词:营销策略 关系营销 营销竞合 品牌管理 混合型渠道 II ABSTRACT This article discussed that how XX company develops its competency. As an agent of card printing equipment,it faced the challenge of more furious market competition. It’s necessary to analyze its internal and external environment,use all resources to build up its local advantage. This article is based on the theory of relationship.First analyze actual market situation of XX company and the actuality of card printing equipment industry of financial.Then use SWOT model to analyze its market environment.From the analysis we can get the conclusion that XX company should choose growth market strategy. And formulate following suggestion: 1.Realize the market demands,improve the intenal managements to provide better serviee to the customer,then improve the customers’satisfaction, and build up long partner relationships with its customers. 2.Integrate the intenal resources,build up its corporation brand. Adjust its current product combination,focus its ability to enhance the sales of its important products. 3.Looking for external partners’supports,such as the manufacturer’s supports,cooperate with its customers and dealerships,and even cooperate with its current competitors. Through above methods,XX company could utilize all resources sufficiently,build up its advantage and develop its whole competency. Key Words: Marketing Strategy, Marketing Cooperation, Relationship Marketing, Brand Managemen


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