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九江学院专科毕业论文(设计)___________ PAGE PAGE 1 摘要 随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善,我国许多企业越来越认识到市场竞争的激烈和增强企业竞争力的紧迫感。企业竞争的关键是人才的竞争,能否管好人、用好人是企业成败的重要因素。因此,人力资源管理已成为我们现代企业管理中非常重要的一环。 现代企业的生存与发展受众多因素影响和制约。其中,最重要也是最根本的因素就是企业的劳动者——人力资源,他们是企业所有资源中最宝贵的,因而必须对其进行有效管理。但是在实际操作中,许多企业更关心的可能是它的资金和市场问题,人力资源管理常常为其所忽视。然而恰恰可能是人力资源的瓶颈阻碍了企业的进一步发展。 人力资源管理即员工信息管理是企业信息管理的重要部分,面对大量的人事信息,采用人工处理即浪费时间、又浪费人力和物力,并且数据的准确性低。因此开发一个界面友好、易于操作的员工信息管理软件进行自动化处理变得十分重要,这正是本系统开发的目的和意义。本文所阐述的企业人力资源系统,以浏览器/服务器模式高效地实现了员工信息管理系统的各项功能,可进行多条件查询、更新、密码设置等功能提升了企业的效率和竞争力,满足了现代企业管理的需要。本项目使用JSP语言作为根本,选用Tomcat作为服务器平台,并用EclipseJ,详细介绍了本管理系统的需求分析、系统分析、概要设计、详细设计等整个开发过程。 关键字: 人才 人力资源 JSP 数据库 管理 Abstract Along with the socialist market economic system, gradually establish and perfect our country many enterprises increasingly recognize that the fierce market competition and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises of urgency。 The enterprise competition is the key to talents competition, can manage people, with good is the enterprise success or failure of important factor。 Therefore, the human resources management has become one of our modern enterprise management is a important one annulus。 Modern enterprises survival and development being affected by many factors and restraint。 Among them, the most important and the most fundamental factors is the enterprise to laborer - human resources, they are all enterprise resources in the most precious, so we must carry on the effective management。 But in practice, many enterprises to be more may be concerned with its capital and market problem, human resources management is often ignored by for its。 However just may be human resource bottleneck hindered the further development of the enterprise。 Human resources management is staff information management is an important part of enterprise information management, facing a lot of human resources information by using artificial processing namely waste time, and a waste of manpower and material resources, and the accuracy of the d


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