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RW25G软卧客车的空调系统设计 摘 要:铁路客车是我国旅客的主要客运工具。随着人民物质文化生活水平的提高和旅游事业的蓬勃发展,人们对铁路客运条件的要求越来越高。现代客车不仅要保证高速、安全地运行,而且还要为旅客和车上工作人员尽可能创造一个更加舒适和卫生的环境。铁路客车空调装置应运而生,该装置是一种控制客车车厢内温度、湿度、风速、清洁度及噪声,并使之达到规定标准的空气调节装置。 关键词:列车空调;空气调节;制冷;供热;设计计算;设备选型 Air conditioning system design of RW25G Abstract:railway is the main passenger transportation in our country.with the improvment of the material and cultural living standards and the Vigorous development of tourist industry ,passengers have a increasingly demanding of railway transportation.modern train must not only to ensure the train run fast and safely,it also should do its best to create a more comfortable and hygienic environment for passengers and trainman,then train air conditioning unit came into being.the device is a air conditioning equipment which is used to control the temperature ,humidity,wind speed,cleanliness and noise of the train,and make it reach the required standard. Keyword:train air conditioning unit,air conditioning ,refrigeration,heating,design calculation,equipment selection. 目录 摘 要:铁路客车是我国旅客的主要客运工具。随着人民物质文化生活水平的提高和旅游事业的蓬勃发展,人们对铁路客运条件的要求越来越高。现代客车不仅要保证高速、安全地运行,而且还要为旅客和车上工作人员尽可能创造一个更加舒适和卫生的环境。铁路客车空调装置应运而生,该装置是一种控制客车车厢内温度、湿度、风速、清洁度及噪声,并使之达到规定标准的空气调节装置。 I Abstract:railway is the main passenger transportation in our country.with the improvment of the material and cultural living standards and the Vigorous development of tourist industry ,passengers have a increasingly demanding of railway transportation.modern train must not only to ensure the train run fast and safely,it also should do its best to create a more comfortable and hygienic environment for passengers and trainman,then train air conditioning unit came into being.the device is a air conditioning equipment which is used to control the temperature ,humidity,wind speed,cleanliness and noise of the train,and make it reach the required standard. II 1 前言 2 2 设计任务和设计计算参数 2 2.1 设计任务 2 2.2 车体参数 2 2.3 车内空调设计参数 3 2.4 车外气象参数 3 3 负荷计算 4 3.1 一般原则 4 3.2 传热计


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