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2005 年第1 期 外 国 语 总第155 期 No.1, January 2005 Journal of Foreign Languages General Serial No.155 文章编号:1004-5139 (2005 )01-0066-06 中图分类号:I043 文献标识码:A 劳伦斯笔下的彩虹 殷企平 (浙江大学外国语学院,浙江杭州 310058 ) 摘 要:国内有关《虹》的研究忽略了小说结尾处彩虹意象与书中先前彩虹意象的联系和呼应,因此未能 更加深入地发掘该意象的丰富内涵。由彩虹意象烘托的反讽基调在小说中有一种结构性象征意义:在两次 关键时刻出现的彩虹之间,厄秀拉刚好完成了一次圆圈似的历程––––以跟母亲分道扬镳始,又以回到母亲 的立场终。在厄秀拉的历程背后隐含着这样一个问题:人们盲目地投入“外面的世界”––––即工业革命的 洪流––––是否得不偿失? 关键词:劳伦斯;彩虹;圆圈;反讽;结构性象征 The Rainbow under the Pen of Lawrence YIN Qi-ping (Faculty of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China) Abstract: Domestic studies on The Rainbow have neglected the links between the image of the rainbow at the end of the novel and its previous occurrences, thus resulting in a failure to delve more deeply into its implications and ramifications. The rainbow image, which throws into sharp relief the keynote of irony running throughout the novel, plays a structural symbolic role. Between two vital occurrences of the rainbow, Ursula has run a full circle-like course starting from her departure with her mother, only to return to the latter’s position again. Behind all this lurks the question of whether those have blindly plunged into “the outside world”, namely the torrents of the industrial revolution, have incurred a loss that outweighs their gain. Key words: Lawrence; rainbow; circle; irony; structural symbols 彩虹是劳 伦斯( D. H. Lawrence, 十世纪文学史》中有关彩虹的论述也只有寥寥 1885-1930)名著《虹》(The Rainbow, 1915) 数行:“……大病以后的厄秀拉坐在窗前,看 的中心意象,然而国内有关研究在涉及彩虹意 见在丑恶的工矿城市上空伸展的一条斑斓的 象时往往是一笔带过,而且大都给人以一种错 彩虹:‘她在这条彩虹身上看到了地球上的新 觉,好像彩虹只是在小说结尾处才出现似的。 建筑,那陈旧、脆弱、朽烂的房屋和工厂被扫 下面仅举三例:


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