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 第2 8卷 第4期 Vo . 2 8, N o . 4            200 8 年12 月 RESEA RCH PROGRESS OF SSE Dec. , 2008 LED 顾晓玲 郭 霞  林巧明 梁 庭 郭 晶 沈光地 ( , , 100022) 2007-04-16 , 2007-06-08 : , ( L ED) L ED , ( 1/ 3, 1/ 3) 0 . 5% , , LED LED , L ED : ; ; ; ; : T N 312. 8: A : 1000-3819( 2008) 04-532-05 / The Color Matching of White LEDs Based on Two Three Prinary Colors and Phosphor Converted GU Xiao ingGU O XiaL IN Qiao ming L IA N G T ing GU O J ing SHEN Guang di ( - , , , 100022, ) Beij ing Op t electronic L aboratory Beij ing University of Technology Beij ing CH N : , Abstract In this paper w e ca cu at ed t he co or mat ching of whit e L ED s based on phosphor co nvert ed, t w o primary co o rs and t hree primary co ors according t o co orim et ry . Many co or co mbinat io ns w hose chrom at icit y co ordinat es dev iat e f rom t he equa energy w hit e point ( 1/ 3, 1/ 3) not more t han 0 . 5% have been obtained . We u sed um inou s ef ficacy and co o r render ing as st andards in the eva uat io n of them by a pr ogram simu ation and o bt ained t he best combinat ions w hich suppor ted by ex periment . Key words: white light emitting diode; primary colors; color rendering; l mino s efficacy ; of radiation phosphor EEACC: 7 850G ; 7865P; 3250F ,


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