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说明书 设计题目: 液压金属打包机设计 专业年级: 2011届机械工程及自动化学院 学 号: 姓 名: 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 指导教师、职称: 2015年3月22日 摘 要 随着人类科技的飞速发展,金属资源对于各国来说也变得越加重要。对现有的金属资源的过渡开采和不合理使用的,造成了大量的金属浪费。这自然而然的引起了人们的担忧,因而,废金属的回收再利用的课题也成了工业发展中必不可少的研究方向。 本设计的主要内容是液压缸和机构的设计、选型,金属打包机液压原理图,电气原理图以及叠加阀的设计、选型。本设计中,主、侧液压缸为打包机提供压缩动力,替代了传统的丝杆。主液压缸安置在压缩室后端面,侧压缸安置在压缩室左侧面。液压缸的设计包括了缸筒、活塞、导向套、活塞杆等的设计计算,以及密封圈、防尘圈、活塞与缸筒、活塞杆密封方式的选型。压缩室的设计主要是用来确定尺寸大小并且对其强度校核。本金属打包机除了主、侧液压缸外,还有上盖、锁紧机构、前门三个辅助液压缸,它们分别控制着上盖的闭合、锁紧机构的进退、前门的开合。 本设计完成了上述液压缸和机构的设计、选型,金属打包机液压原理图、电气原理图以及叠加阀设计选型。整个打包机不但制造成本低,拥有很的市场前景。 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of science and technology, industrial production has become an inevitable trend of the development of automation. Metal resources is also becoming increasingly important for countries. The transition of the existing metal resources mining and unreasonable use of, and are responsible for a large number of metal waste. This naturally caused concern, therefore, scrap metal recycling project has become essential to industrial development and the research direction. The design of the hydraulic metal baling press use hydraulic pressure to compress with packaging, metal scrap has a certain size, convenient transportation, recycling and recycled scrap metal, in order to put into production again. So greatly improve the utilization rate of the metal, the process of the waste is in a certain extent, ease the intense demand for metal resources. The main content of this design is the design of the hydraulic cylinder and institutions, selection, metal baling press hydraulic principle diagram, electrical principle diagram and superposition valve design, type selection. In this design, the main hydraulic cylinder, side provide compression power for packing machine, replacing the conventional screw. The main hydraulic cylinder face after placed in the compression ch


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