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20 12 Vol1 20 No1 12 20 07 12 GUANGDONG L CTRIC POW R De 1 20 07 : 1007-290X ( 20 07) 12-0026-04 P MU ( 广东省电力设计研究院, 广州510600) : 随着电力系统的发展和对安全稳定性要求的不断提高, 统的以 SCA DA/ EM S 为代表的基于稳态的监控 系统将难以满足实时性的要求, 而基于相量测量装置( PMU) 的电网广域测量系统( WAM S) 却能很好地解决电力 系统广域空间同步测量的问题, 使电网控制中心能在统一的时标下, 根据各 个PMU 的测量信息对电力系统的状 态进行分析, 并进行全电网的稳定控制事故预警等为此, 对WAMS 的组成结构发展状况和应用前景等进 行了较为详细的概述 : 电力系统; 广域测量系统( WA MS) ; 相量测量装置( PMU) : T M7 11 : A Overview of PMU-based Wide Area Measurement System for Power Network Z HA NG Shuang ( Guangdong Ele tri Power Design Institute, Guangzhou 5 10 60 0, China) Abstract: With the development of power system and the in reasingly stri ter requirement on se urity and stability, traditional monitoring sy stems based on steady state, su h as SCADA/ EMS, will not satisfy the rea-l time requirement any longer . W ide area m easurem ent system ( WAM S) based on phasor measurement unit ( PM U) an ef fe tively handle the problem of w ide area syn hronous measurement in pow er system, enabling pow er grid ontrol enter to analyze the status of pow er system a ording to uniform tim es ale and the measurement information of ea h PMU , and to perf orm stability ontrol and early warning of a idents in the w hole pow er netw ork. In th is paper , the om position, development stat us and appli ation prospe ts of WA MS are des ribed in detail. Key words: power sy stem ; w ide area measurement system ( WA MS) ; phasor measurement unit ( P MU) , , ( w ide area measurement system, WAM S) SCADA/ E


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