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420 m - , , 27 : 1003- 4722( 2004) 02- 0027- 04 420 m - 邵长宇, 颜爱华, 邓青儿 ( 中铁大桥勘测设计院, 湖北武汉430050) : 介绍了东海大桥主航道桥采用主跨420 m 斜拉桥方案的工程环境 件与技术构思, 以及这种新型结合梁斜拉桥的结构设计主要受力特点与施工 件等钢- 混凝土箱形结合梁的 采用拓宽了结合梁斜拉桥的应用范围, 不仅为斜拉桥的发展增添了新的形式, 也为今后大型跨海大 桥采用斜拉桥提供了新的选择与实践经验 : 斜拉桥; 结合梁; 桥式布置; 结构设计; 施工方法 : U448. 27 : A New Techniques of SteelConcrete Composite Box Girder of 420M CableSta ed Main Span of East China Sea Bridge SHA O Changy u, YAN Aihua, DENG Qinger ( Major Bridge Reconnai ance and De ign In titute of China Railw ay Engineer ing Corporation, Wuhan 430050, China) Abstract: Thi paper pre ent the environmental condition and technical con ideration for the 420m cable tayed main pan elected for the Ea t China Sea Bridge over the main nav igation channel, and the tructural de ign, mechanical propertie and con truction condition of uch new type of com po ite g irder cable tayed bridge. T he application of the com po ite girder broaden the range of utiliza tion of the cabletay ed bridge , w hich w ill not only add new alternative to the cable tayed bridge , but al o w ill provide new choice and practical experience for the major bridge to be built over ea. Ke words: cabletayed bridge; compo ite girder; bridge layout ; tructural de ign; con truction method 1 420 m, , , , - , ; - 2 [ 1] , - , 25 km , 10~ 12 m, 160~ 220 m, : 2003- 11- 14 : ( 1963- ) , , , 1984 , 28 2004


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