诚信之风 吹遍校园 中英文双语版演讲稿.doc

诚信之风 吹遍校园 中英文双语版演讲稿.doc

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诚信之风 吹遍校园 中英文双语版演讲稿

诚信之风 吹遍校园 中英文双语版演讲稿 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好! 今天我们演讲的主题是:诚信之风,吹遍校园。 迎着朝阳,沐浴着晨风,在这样一个美好的早晨,我们又迎来了新的一周。在安外这样一个朝气蓬勃的校园里,我们学会了独立, 学会了成长,学会了理解,学会了诚信。诚信,是一种无声无息的语言,是一种潜移默化的感动,萦绕在你我身边。 “诚”,即诚实,诚心诚意;“信”,是信用,遵守诺言。诚信是我们中华民族的传统美德,诚信作为一种道德规范,是指人的思想与行动应当一致,诚实无欺,言而有信,表里如一,说到做到。 为人处世要诚信,企业发展要诚信,我们的校园学习和生活也需要诚信。在我们与朋友交往时,哪怕是多么琐碎的承诺也应遵守信用;在我们与同学相处时,无论是多么繁杂的误解,也应坦城相待;在学习生活中,我们一定要抵制抄袭作业、考试作弊这样一些有失诚信的行为。 一个诚实守信的人才能立足于社会;一个守信用的民族,才能跻身于世界民族之林;一个守信用的国家,才能为国际所信赖。 老师们,同学们,让我们从身边的小事做起,从生活中的点点滴滴做起:当你每讲一句话时,你要确定他的真实性,别让自己说大话,空话;当你做错事时,你要有敢于承担后果的勇气,不推诿,不狡辩; 当你答应别人的请求时,要向他人保证你有能力,一定会办到。努力用自己的实际行动影响和感化周围的同学,多一份自觉,多一些提醒, 让弄虚作假的行为远离我们,让校园的空气更为纯净,让诚信的种子在我们心底萌芽,让正义的风气在安外的校园弘扬。 我的演讲完毕。 谢谢! Integrity Should Spread Through The Campus Distinguished teachers, dear students, Good Morning! The theme of my speech today is that integrity should spread through the campus. Greetings the morning sun, bathing in the morning breeze, on such a beautiful morning, we are happy that a new week is here. An Qing Foreign Language School is full of vigor and vitality, where we have learned to be independent, to be honest, to grow up, and to understand each other .Honesty is a silent language that is subtly moving and hovering around us. Prudential , that is, to be honest; sincerity means to keep a promise. Honesty is a traditional virtue in China. Honesty is regarded as a moral standard, denoting that people’s thoughts and actions should be consistent, honest, and true. Honesty spreads in communication as well as in enterprise, so does our campus. When we are in contact with friends, no matter how trivial promises, we should always try to keep them. When we argue with classmates, no matter how complicated the misunderstanding, we should be frank. In the study of life, we must resist behavior, such as copying other’s homework or cheating in exams and so on. An honest and trustworthy person can stand on the community; A trustworthy nation can rank among the nations of the world and win the international trust. Teachers and


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