
[其它考试]2012年职称英语理工类 A必会.doc

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[其它考试]2012年职称英语理工类 A必会

2012年职称英语考试高清课件网上辅导课程 特色班:五大班次,24小时答疑,超值优惠 精品班:因材施教,跟踪服务,精准辅导 实验班:签约保障,考试不过,全额退费 2012年职称英语考试高清课件网上辅导课程: 高清课件 抢先体验 免费试听 2012年职称英语:备考专题 经典习题库: 《职称英语每日一练》 精炼考试热点:《职称英语考试周刊》 百日冲刺专题:《猜单词 过考试》 专供疑难杂症:《职称英语有问必答》 考试宏观向导:《职称英语深度透析》 周涵说职称英语:《2012年职称英语名师系列访谈》 2012年职称英语:资料下载 职称英语题型分析 职称英语考试宜提前准备 2012职称英语考试大纲WORD版下载! 职称英语考试历年真题(★新增2011年真题!) 职称英语核心词汇下载 职称英语考试考点详解 2012职称英语考试教材版本及价格! 最全、必威体育精装版辅导资料:《职称英语资料下载集锦》 2012年职称英语理工类 新增文章篇目 阅读理解(篇) 第六篇 Making Light of1 Sleep 第十九篇 Graphenes Superstrength1 *第三+八篇 Life Form Found on Saturns Titan 第四十篇 Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety +第四+五篇Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety +第四十六篇Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as Ecosystem Engineers 完形填空(6篇) 第三篇Germs on Banknotes 第十篇 Chicken Soup for the Soul:Comfort Food Fights Loneliness 第十一篇 Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities 第十二篇 Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk 第十三篇 Solar Power without Solar Cells 第十五篇 “Liquefaction” Key to Much of Japanese Earthquake Damage 注: 1、+表示A级文章;*表示B即文章;其他为C级文章; 2、请参见第页完形填空请参见第页; 第六篇 第六篇Making Light of1 Sleep All we have a clock located inside our brains. Similar to your bedside alarm clock, your internal clock2 runs on a 24-hour cycle. This cycle,called a circadian rhythm,helps control when you wake,when you eat and when you sleep. Somewhere around puberty,something happens in the timing of the biological clock. The clock pushes forward,so adolescents and teenagers are unable to fall asleep as early as they used to. When your mother tells you its time for bed,your body may be pushing you to stay up3 for several hours more. And the light coming from your computer screen or TV could be pushing you to stay up even later. This shift4 is natural for teenagers. But staying up very late and sleeping late can get your bodys clock out of sync with the cycle of light and dark5. It can also make it hard to get out of bed in the morning and may bring other problems,too. Teenagers are put in a kind o


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