[政史地]推荐二:地球梦幻岛风景 2.ppt

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[政史地]推荐二:地球梦幻岛风景 2

LOGO 《公共部门人力资源管理》 第3章 预算、规划和生产力 成员:卞潇、张兴、王渊桂 Contents 3.4 人力资源规划与人员精简的不确定性 3.5 何为生产力 3.6 生产力和民营化:人事管理者应当做什么 3.7 扩大人事管理者在政府生产力计划中的角色 3.4 人力资源规划与人员精简的不确定性 “当你自己身陷鳄鱼群里面时,你就会忘记你的目标是抽干沼泽了!”——美国民谚 公共管理理论与实践之间的差异 现代公共管理者所处的环境到处都存在这种“短吻鳄”——阻碍管理者做出合理和有效选择的政治与经济约束 财政收入的缩减意味着公共部门需要实行紧缩管理,部门将会雇用更少的永业公务员、冻结工资,或解雇部分雇员来达到人力精简。 影响人力资源规划的现代环境 政治约束 经济约束 3.4 人力资源规划与人员精简的不确定性 在进行人力资源规划时有些政治上的考量会产生负面影响。 洛杉矶卫生部门的例子——招募新职员时不仅仅考虑应聘者的技能、知识,还要预先考虑其种族、民族背景。 Diagram Reality Identity Creativity Describe a vision of company or strategic contents. Describe a vision of company or strategic contents. Describe a vision of company or strategic contents. Reality Identity Creativity ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. A title about content Diagram Text in here Text in here Text in here Title Title ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. Diagram Description of the contents Title in here Title in here ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. Before After ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. Description of the contents ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. Click to edit title style 2. Describe contents for a Chart Description of the company’s sub contents Description of the company’s sub contents 1. Describe contents for a Chart Description of the company’s sub contents Description of the company’s sub contents Diagram - ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. - ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. - ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. Description of the company’s sub contents Description of the comp



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