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Translation of couplets (1) 山海关有一幅楹联为: 海水朝朝朝朝朝朝朝落 浮云长长长长长长长消 字面翻译为: Sea waters tide, day to day tide, every day tide and every day ebb, Floating clouds appear, often appear, often appear and often go. (金隄、奈达) 改写或意译为: Every day floating clouds come and go, Very often sea waters ebb and flow. (吴伟雄) 上译中,ebb and flow意为“潮得涨落,盛衰,消长”,还押尾韵,可称佳译。 (2)苏州拙政园有一幅明代书画家文徴明手书的唐代诗句组成的对联: 蝉噪林愈静 鸟鸣山更幽 英译为: Cicadas, chirping, make the forest all the more peaceful, Birds, singing, make the mountain all the more secluded. Translation of couplets (3) 水水山山处处明明秀秀 晴晴雨雨时时好好奇奇 字面直译为: Water Water Hill Hill Place Place Bright Bright Beautiful Beautiful; Fine Fine Rain Rain Moment Moment Pleasant Pleasant Wonderful Wonderful. 意译为: With water and hill, every place looks bright and beautiful; Rain or shine, every moment appears pleasant and wonderful. (陈刚,2004) Translation of couplets (4) 大肚能容容世上难容之事 开口便笑笑天下可笑之人 英译时可保持句子结构的对应: His belly is big enough to contain all intolerable things on earth; His mouth is ever ready to laugh at all snobbish persons under heaven. (陈刚,2004) Translation of couplets (5) 重重叠叠山, 曲曲环环路, 丁丁冬冬泉, 高高下下树。 保持词义层对应: The hills – range after range; The trails – winding and climbing; The creeks – murmuring and gurgling; The trees – high and lowly Translation of couplets Cultural factors in tourist materials Translation Difficulties Caused by Cultural Differences The Principle of Skopostheorie in Tourist Translation Buddhism and Taoism(佛教道教) Religious Culture 南京——“六朝古都” “十代都会” ? Historical Culture It used to be the capital of six dynasties or called the national capital of ten dynasties. It used to be the capital of six dynasties and the national capital ten times. Christianity(基督教) VS 兰州—— “金城” Geography Culture Cuisine Culture 全家福——stewed assorted meats 1. Cultural factors in tourist materials 译文1:Gold City 译文2: City of


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