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税级 tax brack?ets
水利工程 water? conse?rvanc?y proje?ct
水龙卷 water?spout?
睡眠障碍 sleep? disor?der
水墨画 Chine?se brush? drawi?ng; ink and wash paint?ing
税前/税后收入 preta?x / after?-tax incom?e
水土流失 soil erosi?on
水下导弹 subma?rine-based? missi?les
水下通信 subsu?rface? commu?nicat?ion
水刑 water?board?ing.
谁言寸草心?,报得三春晖? Such kindn?ess of warm sun, cant be repai?d by grass?.
水涨船高 When the river? rises?, the boat float?s high.
税收起征点? tax thres?hold
数码相机 digit?al camer?a
顺风车 free ride.
熟女 sophi?stica?ted lady
硕博联读 a conti?nuous? acade?mic proje?ct that invol?ves postg?radua?te and docto?ral study?
说曹操,曹操到 Talk of the devil? and he comes?.
说服教育 persu?asion? educa?tion
说明会 expla?natio?n sessi?on
说起来容易?做起来难 Easie?r said than done.
输血 blood? trans?fusio?n
私奔 elope?
四大金刚 Four Heave?nly Guard?ians at the entra?nce to a Buddh?ism templ?e; Four Devar?ajas
死而后已 until? my heart? stops? beati?ng
司法独立 judic?ial indep?enden?ce
司法解释 judic?ial inter?preta?tion
四个现代化? four moder?nizat?ions (the moder?nizat?ion of agric?ultur?e, indus?try, natio?nal defen?se, and scien?ce and techn?ology?)
四合院 court?yard dwell?ings; quadr?angle? dwell?ings
北京话、北京的风土?人情在―四合院文化?‖中发展、成熟。Beiji?ng diale?ct and custo?ms devel?oped and matur?ed in court?yard dwell?ings cultu?re.)
死机 syste?m halte?d
四连冠 four strai?ght (conse?cutiv?e) champ?ionsh?ips, (four champ?ionsh?ips on the run)
私人轿车牌?照 indiv?idual? car plate?
私人企业 priva?te enter?prise?
私人游资 mobil?e priva?te capit?al
私人侦探 priva?te detec?tive
四十不惑 Life begin?s at forty?.
四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》) The Four Books? (The Great? Learn?ing, The Doctr?ine of the Mean, The Anale?cts of Confu?cius, The Menci?us)
私塾 priva?te schoo?l
死亡率 morta?lity
死亡人数 death? toll
死亡之组 group? of death?
思想包袱 menta?l load
思想道德教?育 ideol?ogica?l and moral? educa?tion
四项基本原?则 the Four Cardi?nal Princ?iples? of adher?ence to the socia?list road, the peopl?es democ?ratic? dicta?torsh?ip, the leade?rship?