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[生物学]生物化学 Chapter 11 Arenes and Aromaticity
Chapter 11 Exercises 11.2 11.4---11.9 11.15 11.18 11.20 11.28---11.35 11.39---11.41 Arenes are hydrocarbons based on the benzene ring as a structure unit. §11.1 Benzane 芳烃 Aromatic Hydrocarbon 结构上含有平面或接近平面的环状共轭体系,而π电子数符合Hückel 4n+2(n=0,1,2…)规则,具有芳香性的烃称为芳香烃,简称芳烃。 芳烃通常含有苯环结构,一般是指苯及其衍生物。芳烃可以分为单环芳烃、多环芳烃和稠环芳烃三大类。例如 单环芳烃 simple aromatic hydrocarbon 苯和脂肪烃基取代的苯只含有一个苯环,称为单环芳烃。苯环上可以是一元取代,也可以是多元取代;脂肪烃基可以是饱和的,也可以是不饱和的。例如: §11.2 The Stability of Benzene The aromatic character of? benzene infers an inherent stability to the system. As a result, benzene is not particularly reactive compared to alkenes. This stability can be expressed by the resonance energy, which for benzene is about 36 kcal /mol 环己烯与苯的对比 氢化热比较( KJ/mole ) Resonance Energy共振能 当一个分子可以用两个或两个以上的Lewis结构表示时,真实的分子结构是所有这些Lewis结构(共振结构)所组成的共振杂化体。 每个共振结构都有能量,若以能量最低稳定性最大的共振结构作为标准,则共振杂化体所降低的能量叫做共振能。 共振结构差别愈小,共振能愈大,共振稳定作用也愈大。 共振结构等同时,能量相同,共振能最大,共振稳定作用也最大共振能可通过实验测定 苯分子的共振能 若以环己烯为标准测得其氢化热为119.6kJ·mol-1,假想苯分子存在三个孤立双键,其氢化热应为环己烯氢化热的3倍,即( 3×119.6=358.8 kJ·mol-1)。 测得苯的氢化热为208.2 kJ·mol-1。若而苯分子实际上是主要包含两个共振结构的共振分子,其进行氢化反应是要少放出358.8-208.2=150.6(kJ·mol-1) 的能量,此能量即为破坏苯的公正分子的共振杂化体所消耗的能量,也就是苯分子的共振能 §11.3 Kekulé and the Structure of Benzene Structure All 12 atoms in benzene, C6H6, lie in the same plane. Benzene has a planar, cyclic, conjugated structure. If one draws benzene as alternating C=C and C-C then the two different Kekulé structures are obtained. These are two equally valid resonance contributors. Alternatively, these two forms can be combined in the resonance hybrid and the π system represented by a circle as in the Robinson structure. Note that all of the CC bonds are 1.4 ? (between typical C=C and C-C distances). §11.3 A Resonance Description of Bonding in Benzene Kekulé Formula for Benzene(1865) §11.4 An Orbital Hybridization Model of Bonding in Benzene 碳上未参与杂化的轨道电子与相邻碳上电子产叠,形成平面上下两个连续的面包圈形电子云 The more red an area is, the higher the electron density and the more blue an area is, the lower the electron density.