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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 二○ 年 月 浅 析 拖 船 在 实 际 中 的 应 用 ----港 作 拖 轮 的 应 用 专业班级: 姓 名: 指导教师: 航海学院 内容摘要 摘要:本文主要介绍了拖船尤其是港作拖船的种类及其特点、拖船在实际操作中的作用与各种协助方法,通过重点介绍拖带、傍拖和顶推三种拖船协助方式,让我们更近一步了解在确定拖船在操纵中的协助方式时,需要考虑被协助船的情况、泊位、及其附近水域的情况以及航道情况等.最后对港作拖轮安全操纵技术的概述和拖轮运用中的注意事项,港内操船所需拖船功率和数量及港作拖船应用的描述. 使我们更加细致的了解港作拖船的应用.港口持续稳定的发展是沿海地区经济繁荣的基本保证.当前,各沿海城市的港日建设规模正日益扩大,新建了许多大型船舶靠泊码头。随着拖船的需求量日益增大,需求日益频繁,在操纵中灵活运用拖轮,首先要掌握拖轮及其相关知识和本船的特性,作到知己知彼;其次在作业中,要多与拖轮联系和沟通,互相协调,最大限度地发挥拖轮的最大效用。就能做到运用拖轮就象用自己的手和脚一样灵活自如.并且随着现代化港口经济的飞速发展,船舶的大吨位、大型化也迫使港作大功率拖船的需求不断增加。然而,建造什么样的拖船更适合不同港口的不同作业条件,其性价比更高, 这是对目前全回转拖船建造提出的更新设计要求。通过本文详细的介绍,使其对拖船在实际中的应用有一定的帮助。 Content Abstract Abstract: This paper describes the tug, especially to Harbor tug for the types and characteristics of the tug, the tugs role in practice to assist with a variety of ways, by highlighting towing, Pong drag and tug pushing three kinds of means of assistance, so we taking a step forward to understand in determining the tug to assist in the manipulation of the way, the need to consider is to assist the ships situation, berth, and the adjacent waters as well as channel and so on. Finally, the safe operation of harbor tugs, and tugs overview of the use of technology in Note, the harbor tug operating power requirements and number of ships and port for the application described in tow. made us more detailed understanding of the application to Harbor tug for the tug. port sustained and stable development of the coastal areas the basic guarantee of economic prosperity. At present, the coastal cities The construction scale of Harbor tug and Japan are growing, many new large ships berthing. With the increasing demand for tugs, needs more frequent in the manipulation of the flexible use of tugs, one must master the knowledge and the tug boat and its related properties, and would be to know ourselves; followed in the operations, to more contact and communication with the tug , co-ordina


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