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很久很久以前,在一个遥远的王国 一个女婴诞生了 她的皮肤如雪一样白 她的头发如夜晚一样黑 他们叫她 白雪公主 大概这是他们能想到的最自命不凡的名字了吧 故事套路,白雪公主的妈妈生完她就去世了 剩下爸爸一个人,他把小女孩惯坏了 他当然负担得起,他是国王啊 国王爱着她的女儿,他所有的国民也爱他 这个王国是个快乐的地方,人们整天跳舞唱歌 显然,那时候没人工作。就是唱歌跳舞 整天整夜。我跑题了哈 国王独自把女儿养大,想把她培养成领导者 随着时间的流逝,他意识到,有些东西他是教不了她的 所以他想出一个办法:新皇后 这个皇后是世界上最美丽的女人 她很聪明,很坚强,还有… 说明一下,就是我 还有这是关于我的故事,不是她的 国王被我的美貌迷住,恳求我嫁给他 我是他的全部,他的星星他的月亮 但是黑魔法入侵了这片土地 勇敢的国王向白雪公主告别 留给了她他喜爱的匕首 有点意思…一会再说这个 他骑马进入了黑森林里,不幸的是… 再也没有出现过 白雪公主一次次的找寻他的父亲 然后她意识到,他真的不在了 她崩溃了 女孩现在被美丽的皇后的照料着 十年过去了,白雪公主出落得亭亭玉立 王国陷入冰冷的绝望中 皇后意识到,如果她想保持最美丽的女人的地位 好吧…她会尽最大努力的 雪照样会落下 \ Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away a baby girl is born。 \Her skin is as pure as a snow \Her hair is as dark as the night \ They called her..Snow White \Probably because that was the most pretentious name they can come out with \As faith has it, Snow Whites mother died in child birth \ Left on his own, her father spoiled the young girl. \ he can afford to of course, he was the king. \ The king loved his daughter, and all the subjects love him. \ The kingdom was a happy place. where people danced and sang day and night \ Apparently no one had a job back then.Just singing and dancing \ all day and all night.Oh my, that gross. \ The king raised the little girl by himself.. growing her to one day lead. \ Over time, he realized theres some things he couldnt teach her. \ So he sort out..A new Queen \ This queen was the most beautiful woman in the world \ She was intelligent, and strong, and.. \ Just to clarify..She was me. \ And this is my story..not hers. \ Bewitched by my beauty, the king begged me to marry him \ I was everything to him.The Stars, The moon.. \ But the dark magic invaded the land. \ The brave king said farewell to Snow White \ Leaving her his favorite dagger. \ Its interestng..But were on that later.. \ He rode off into the dark woods, and sadly.. \ was never seen again \ Snow White searched and searched her father.. \ And when she realized he was trully gone. \ She was devastated. \ The


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