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On Death She wrote about nearly 600 poems on death. It reveals ultimate truth or reality . Death is personified in many guises in her poems, ranging from a suitor to a tyrant. 在她的笔下,死亡是一个多面体,有时是一位彬彬有礼的绅士,有时是一位残酷的暴君,有时是一次天堂中的旅行,有时是心灵与尘土的对话。狄金森笔下的死亡代表着痛苦,代表着欢乐,死亡是彻底的人魂俱灭,死亡也意味着永生,死亡并不是可怕的。 狄金森诗歌的死亡意象表达了作者的生死观,向人们提供了人死后的种种可能,激发了人们去探索“死亡”和“永恒”这一庄严的主题。 Her attitude toward immortality was contradictory. It is clear always that for Dickinson life and consciousness are inseparable. To be transmuted into grass or transcendentally made one with the ocean or the over-soul are as irrelevant and meaningless to this individualist as the idea would have been to her puritan ancestors. 独特的宗教悖论观 迪金森探求灵魂在世间的永久栖息地,但由于感情的受挫,对清教徒教义的质疑,她拒绝钵依基督教,因为她不想为了一个莫须有的天堂,同上帝做交易,所以她的诗歌将现实的居所当作她一个的天堂和乐园。 但是这似乎给她的内心带来极大的折磨,坚持自我成了她个人的战斗。圣经的故事、天堂和上帝的字眼频频出现在她的诗中,展现了她尽力的抵制宗教的影响和她挣扎痛苦的心境。 生活中她拒绝并从未进入教堂,反对形式主义的宗教教义。 On Death Her poems run the gamut(整个范围) from renunciation(抛弃,脱离关系) to professions of (表白)love to sexual passion. Eg: Wild nights!Wild nights! Were I with thee 当我和你在一起 Wild nights should be 这暴风雨夜就是我们 Our luxury! 最大的奢侈! On love The inner world individual consciousness Eg. I felt a funeral in my brain, ? ? And mourners, to and fro, Kept treading, treading, till it seemed ? ? ? ? That sense was breaking through. I’m Nobody! Im Nobody! Who are you? Are you-Nobody-too? Then theres a pair of us! Dont tell! theyd banish us -you know! 我是无名之辈,你是谁? 你,也是,无名之辈? 这就有了我们一对!可是别声张! 你知道,他们会大肆张扬! Poems Apprehension I’m Nobody! How dreary-to be-Somebody! How public-like a Frog- To tell your name-the livelong June To an admiring Bog! 做个,显要人物,好不无聊! 像个青蛙,向仰慕的泥沼—— 在整个六月,把个人的姓名 聒噪——何等招摇!(江枫译) This poem is Dickinson’s most famous and most defense of the kind of spiritual privacy she favored, implying that to be a Nobody is a luxury incomprehensible to a dreary somebody—for they


xingyuxiaxiang + 关注


