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6SE70变频器的应用 摘 要 最近几年,随着新型电力电子器件的不断涌现和计算机技术的飞速发展,高性能的交流电动机变频调速系统得到了广泛的应用,他的显著的节能效果和灵活的运行方式,给人们留下了深刻的印象。6SE70变频器是全数字电压型采用IGBT功率器件模块化结构的通用系列标准产品,其主要特点有整流单元带能量回馈制动、可以实现转矩限定、磁场定向控制、电机四象限运行、瞬间电源故障后的平衡回复以及自动加减速控制。错误自诊断等功能。并且具有低噪声、高可靠保护等特点。本论文首先简述了变频器在我国的发展和应用,讲述了变频调速的基础技术;其次论述了西门子6se70变频器在高炉卷扬机的原理及设计,以及在使用调试过程中所出现的问题及解决方案;并对系统的主电路以及实现控制的软、硬件进行了系统地设计。 关键词:6SE70变频器;变频调速;电动机; 高炉卷扬机 6SE70 Inverter applications Abstract In recent years, along with the rapid development of the new power electronic devices and the computer technology, high performance ac motor frequency control of motor speed system has been widely used, and its remarkable energy-saving effect and flexible operation mode left a deep impression to people.6SE70 inverter is the digital voltage power general series of standard products which made use of device IGBT module structure , its main characteristic is rectifier unit with feedback braking energy, it can realize the torque limit, magnetic directional control, motor four quadrant operation ,balance reversion after instant power failure and automatic acceleration and deceleration. Error self-diagnose etc. Function. And it is low noisy and high protectable, etc. This paper firstly describes the development and application of inverter based technique in China, Then relates the transducer Siemens 6se70 winch in principle and design of blast furnace and use the debugging process in the problems and solutions; and systems to achieve control of the main circuit and the hardware and software for the system design. Keywords 6SE70 inverter; Frequency control of motor speed; Electromotor; Blast hoist 目录 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 1 绪论 5 1.1 课题研究背景 5 1.1.1变频器技术的发展动向 5 1.1.2 交流调速系统的发展 7 1.2 课题研究意义 8 1.2.1 变频调速系统的应用范围 8 2 变频调速基本原理 10 2.1 变频器基本结构及工作原理 10 2.2 变频调速基本原理 12 2.3 6SE70变频器的应用特点 13 3高炉卷扬机系统简介 15 3.1高炉卷扬机工艺 15 3.1.1 高炉卷扬机基本结构 15 3.1.2高炉卷扬机工作特点 16 3.2高炉卷扬机拖动系统要求 16 3.2.1料车的运动分析 16 3.2.2卷扬机电动机运行状态分析 18 3.3变频调速系统主电路设计 19 3.3.1 输入输出电路主体功能设计 19 3.3.2主电路抗干扰措施 21 3.3.3 对电动机及调速装置的要


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