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诚 信 声 明 我声明,所呈交的毕业论文是本人在老师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。我承诺,论文中的所有内容均真实、可信。 毕业论文作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日 餐饮连锁企业物流发展模式探析 [摘 要]连锁经营方式目前已成为中国餐饮行业内主要的一种经济组织形式,并成为推动中国餐饮行业前进的主要因素。随着国内外市场经济的进一步发展,引发的国际间竞争也进一步加剧。国内连锁餐饮企业在标准化与产业化等方面存在不足,并导致竞争力不足、同时最主要是在物流配送体系的功能管理以及供应链管理方面存在诸多问题,企业发展模式与配送模式的不相称性、软硬件的配合程度低、信息处理不完善、资源整合程度低等。很大程度上限制了餐饮连锁企业的发展。此文章就如何在国外餐饮连锁企业的不断进驻参与竞争的环境下,基于物流模式角度我国餐饮连锁业发展的当前突出问题,寻找应对激烈的市场竞争的着力点,同时也对我国国内物流发展模式的一次探析。 [关键词] 餐饮业;连锁;物流模式; 竞争力 FOOD CHAIN MODEL OF ENTERPRISE LOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT Abstract:Chain mode of operation has become Chinas catering industry the main form of economic organization. It is a major mode that promoting Chinas catering industry. With the further development of the domestic market economy, caused by international competition further intensified. Domestic chain catering enterprises in the aspect of standardization and industrialization have inadequate and lead to decrease the competitive ability. At the same time, the most important functions of logistics and distribution system management, and supply chain management, there exist many problems, such as: enterprise development model and distribution model non-proportionality; with the low level of hardware and software; information processing is imperfect; and low level of resource integration. All above factors limit the development of enterprises. This Article is writing bout how the restaurant chain running in foreign countries participate in the continued presence of competition environment; the logistics model based on the angle of Chinas catering chain industry in the development of the current outstanding problems to find the response to the fierce competition in the market, but also on the development model of Chinas domestic logistics Analysis. Keywords:Catering-industry ;Chain ;Logistics-mode ;Competition 目录 1第一章 绪论 5 1.1 文献综述 5 1.2 研究框架 6 1.2.1 研究课题的提出 6 1.2.2 研究课题的意义 6 1.2.3 研究方法 7 1.2.4 创新之处


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