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摘 要 随着我国经济建设的发展,楼层的发展越来越高,对基础的发展要求也越来越高,特别是桩基础的应用越来越高。本文以郑州红星美凯龙国际家居广场1#办公楼的地下部分进行基础工程设计。桩基技术极为复杂,发展空间相当广阔,成为地基基础领域中一个非常活跃的、具有很强生命力 分支领域,50年来出现了许多新的桩型、新的工艺、新的设计理论和新的科技成果,成为我国工程建设的有力支柱。 本文首先根据工程地质条件、岩土力学指标建议值和上部结构形式及上部结构重量,选取了桩基础形式——混凝土预应力管桩。在对天然地基的评价的基础上,进行了成桩分析。根据混凝土预应力管桩的优缺点,结合场地地层条件,初步选取桩径,试算出桩长,并进行桩的设计计算:单桩承载力和桩的沉降计算,最后从抗剪、冲切和抗弯等三方面对承台进行了设计验算。同时对预应力混凝土管桩的优点、性能、桩基础施工过程、注意事项也做了论述。 关键词:桩基础、预应力混凝土管桩、桩基础设计、桩基施工 Abstract With the development of Chinese economy, the height of the building is higher and higher, and the requirements of the bottom’s development are also stricter, especially on the application of pile foundation. In this paper, Hxingmikailong International Plaza of Zhengzhou, which first office building’s underground parts, as the subject to carry out a based engineering design. Foundational technology is extremely complicated and the space of development is wider, became a very active and powerful branch area on the foundational field. In the past 50 years many new types of piles, new technologies, new design theories and new technology results, have become a strong pillar of the construction. In the thesis, according to geological conditions, rock mechanics and the upper structure and weight of the proposed form, in which a pile foundational forms - Priestesses Concrete Piles is selected. an analysis of the pile is practiced. According to the advantages and disadvantages of the Priestesses Concrete Piles, with the stratum conditions of ground, through which to select the pile diameter and try to work out a length of the pile, then do the designable calculation for the piles: single pile’s bearing capacity and the calculation of pile’s sedimentation. Finally, the thesis makes an engineer checking computation from resisting cut, punch and bend. Meantime, it makes a discussion on the advantages, capability, basic construction process and notice proceeding of the Priestesses Concrete Piles. The key: pile foundation; prestressed concrete pipe pile; Design o


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