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摘要 近两三年来,国内交友网站一下子涌出很多,据统计有上千家以婚恋交友为目的的婚恋网站,这些网站的注册会员规模也越来越大。网上征婚,成为目前很多年轻人交友征婚的新途径。本文中的婚恋交友平台是为广大单身人员的用户提供一个便捷但是功能完善的婚恋平台。有用户管理、点歌台、站内信息推送系统、会员活动四大功能,本文主要介绍横向综合页面的设计和实现,以及对首页广告的管理。 目前DIV+CSS布局它以符合W3C标准、支持浏览器的向后兼容、有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站引擎更加友好、样式的调整更加方便、CSS的极大优势表现在简洁的代码、表现和结构分离等优点逐渐成为网页设计的主流布局。而Table布局在处理定位与显示数据上仍有很大的优势,许多大型网站仍在使用Table布局。本文中横向综合页面主要是前台首页页面及其他各个相互连接的页面的设计与实现,当中包括对各个模块排版布局、Flash 和动画特效、从数据库提取数据并在前台显示以及对其排版,采用Table布局与DIV+CSS布局相结合并采用大量自定义控件来设计和实现页面,当中还使用了JS来制作特殊效果。 作为当今计算机领域发展迅速,应用广泛的两大领域之一的数据库技术,主要研究如何存储,使用和管理数据.本文主要使用到在前台对数据库进行增、删、改、查等的基本操作。 关键词: CSS:层叠样式表单 JS:JavaScript Abstract The past two or three years, a sudden gush a lot of dating sites, according to statistics there are thousands of friends to love and marriage for the purpose of dating sites, these sites a registered member of the scale is also growing. Online Zhenghun, many young people become the new ways of making friends Zhenghun. This platform is in Marriage friends for the majority of users of a single officer with a convenient platform for love and marriage, but fully functional. A user management, song units, station information push system, members of the activities of four functions, this article introduces the landscape design and implementation of a comprehensive page, as well as on the home page advertising management. DIV+CSS layout which is currently to comply with W3C standards, supports backward-compatible browsers, search engines more friendly, more convenient to adjust style, CSS performance of the great advantages of the simplicity of the code, performance and structure of the separation of the advantages of becoming Web the mainstream of the design layout. Table layout in dealing with the location and display the data there is still a great advantage, and many major websites are still using Table Layout. Horizontal integration in this article are mainly front page Home page and other pages connected to each other in various design and implementation, including the layout of each module layo


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