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编号: 毕业设计说明书 题 目:基于单片机信号发生器 院 (系): 应用科技学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 学生姓名: 黄俊贤 学 号: 0401130416 指导教师: 侯杏娜 职 称: 讲师 题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发 2008年 6 月 15 日 摘要 信号发生器是一种常用的信号源,广泛地应用于电子电路、自动控制系统和教学实验。常用的波形发生器多数采用分立元件组成,不但电路复杂、价格昂贵,而且仅能产生几种常用的信号波形,还很难精确调节各类参数,不能满足实际需要。因此,本课题利用了AT89S52单片机、DAC0832等元件,通过软、硬结合的方式来实现和开发基于单片机的信号发生器系统。该信号发生器能方便地产生所需信号波形,其频率、波形不但可调,也能满足精度要求。 该信号发生器系统是通过一块AT89S52单片机控制两片DAC0832芯片,其中一片是产生波形,另一片是调节波形幅度。这种双通道工作方式,可以让波形和幅度的控制有各之对应的芯片,让其工作起来更加精确。本系统可以产生不同频率、不同幅值的正弦波、方波、锯齿波和三角波,各种波形在频率要求的范围内基本可以保持很好的形状不失真,通过键盘可选择各种波形以及调节各波形的频率和幅度,最后通过液晶显示器把各个波形以及各种参数显示出来。本系统操作起来相当简便,成本也比较低廉。通过实验测试,系统性能优良,参数精确,不失真,波形的幅度范围0V到+5V,频率范围0HZ到1KHZ, 能基本满足实验室要求。 关键词:AT89S52单片机;DAC0832;液晶显示器 Abstract Signal generator is a common source of the signal, widely used in electronic circuits, automatic control system and the teaching experiment. The most commonly used by waveform generator composed of discrete components, circuit not only complex, expensive and can only have several common signal waveform, also difficult to adjust various parameters, we can not To meet actual needs. Therefore, the issue of the AT89S52 SCM, DAC0832, and other components, through software and hardware combination of development and to achieve the signal generator based on the SCM system. The signal generator can easily produce the required signal waveform, its frequency, not only adjustable waveform, but also to meet the requirements of precision. The signal generator system is controlled by a microcontroller AT89S52 two DAC0832 chip, which is generated a wave, another film to regulate the rate waveform. This dual-channel methods of work, allows waveform and the magnitude of the control of all of the corresponding chip, so work together more precise. This system can produce different frequencies, different amplitude of the sine wave, square wave, sawtooth and triangle wave, the wave of various f


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