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The Social Significance of Oliver Twist A Graduation Thesis submitted by Yang Hongli In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For The Degree of Bachelor of Arts In the Subject of English Language and Literature To College of Foreign Language Of He Bei University of Economics and Trade Supervisor: Yang Keliu May 16, 2012 Acknowledgement First and foremost, my sincere thanks and appreciations go to my tutor Yang Keliu, for her guidance, support, and encouragement. During the process of writing, she helped me a lot in every aspect of my paper. Without her assistance, I would not have finished this paper. Besides, I would like to give my thanks to my dear friends, who have kindly provide me, when I preparing my paper. They really teach me a lot and I began to know the value of the friendship. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the people who have ever helped me in this paper. My parents took good care of my life and gave me a lot of encouragement when I was working at this thesis. They always share my weal and woe. I feel much grateful and heartily owe my achievement to them. Furthermore, none of this would have been possible without the help of those individuals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude: our school library and its staff, the library of Hebei Economic and Business University, and the National Library of China and its staff. Yang Hongli 摘要 雾都孤儿是查尔斯狄更斯一部伟大的批判现实主义小说,它以维多利亚为背景时代,主要反映了刚刚通过济贫法的英国社会最底层人民的生活,揭露了社会弊端与社会问题,带有很强的讽刺意义。 本文主要分析《雾都孤儿》所反映的问题和其所具有的社会意义。第一部分,主要从经济和政治两个方面分析了当时的社会背景,当时的英国虽然经济发达,但是社会问题不断,资产阶级和工人阶级的矛盾也日益凸显。第二部分,揭露社会问题,通过小说中的故事情节,分析人们的内心世界,揭示当时人们对金钱的崇拜和人性的虚伪。随后,通过对社会环境,社会阶级以及人们内心世界的剖析,总结出造成这些问题的原因。随后与现代的社会作比较,揭示其在当时的重要社会意义,论述其给现代人的启发,不论时代怎样发展,文中所提到的问题,在当今社会仍然存在。这就提高了当代人对这些问题的关注,从而推动整个社会发。最后得出结论:一个国家的发展,不仅要注重增强经济实力,更要重视在经济发展中社会问题所带来的隐患。 关键词:《雾都孤儿》;反应问题;社会意义 Abstract Oliver Twist was one of Dickens’ most famous novels of critical realism. The novel was set i


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